Food nazis ramping up their program.

It was a new design....I mean crap was going to happen. The designers had no idea the expansion joints were inadequate.
Fruits and vegetables in school lunches to the Titanic. I love how we can totally derail a gs thread.




It was a new design....I mean crap was going to happen. The designers had no idea the expansion joints were inadequate.

It was the deckhand's fault.

An early seventies album, 'the sinking of the Titanic', done is a style like Arlo Guthrie's 'Alice's Resturant' tells the story.

The captain sends the deckhand out to the bow to watch for icebergs and so he treks down six flights of stairs and hikes out to the bow where he notices a corcle of deckhands smoking hemp rope and so he tries it himself.

Finally an iceberg is sighted and so he hikes back to the stairs but is momentarily overcome by the cotton mouth and munchies and so he detrours down eight flights of stairs to the galley pops the top on a beer and fixes himself an enormous dagwood sandwich with about 16 items on it which are listed individually, eats the sandwich, pops the cap on another beer and downs that.

Then he hikes back up 8 flights of stairs to the deck, up six more to the wheel house, walks up to the captain and says; 'like man, iceberg.'


That number is followed up on the album by 'isn't this where we came in?', which is also hilarious and reminiscent of this thread.


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