Football Players In A Fight

nevermind. It sounded like people were taking your comments as if you was being racial about it. Guess I was mistaken. My bad yall.
Here's an account of the fight. :shakehead:

Fist fights bring festivities to halt, cause property damage
Jesse Morton - Assistant News Editor
2005-03-07 19:27:22

A dance hosted by Omega Psi Phi in the University Center Ballroom ended in violence Saturday night when members of the football team allegedly engaged in at least four separate fist-fights with members of the fraternity, the University of Tennessee Police Department reported Monday.

Along with officers from both the Knoxville Police Department and the Knox County Sheriff’s Department, UTPD Officer Charles E. Johnson arrived at the UC at 1:35 a.m. Sunday to find a large unruly crowd surrounding and applauding several interconnected fist-fights occurring simultaneously outside the front entrance, according to police reports.

“At one point at least four separate fights were occurring in front of the building,” Johnson reported.

The violence erupted on the dance floor before moving outside, leaving a path of destruction.

A framed painting was smashed. Nearby, shards of glass littered the floor, which was bespattered with blood, Johnson reported.

Holes were punched in the partition walls. The dance’s Disc Jockey, Antonio Brown, saw his turntable and equipment smashed when the table on which his turntables rested was overturned, Johnson reported.

“Everybody was having a good time until somehow a fight breaks out in the back of the room,” Brown said Monday. “Some words was exchanged with a football player.”

Brown said the fight gained momentum then participants rumbled towards where he was stationed, spinning records.

“The fight broke out in one part of the room ... and then broke out into three different fights,” he said. “I was on the mic. I was like, ‘yo, yo, chill out! There is too many females at the party for you all to want to fight.’”

Brown said his turntables, turntable needles, and a speaker were destroyed by the crowd stampeding to escape the melee. Brown said Omega Psi Phi’s advisor said the fraternity will replace what was damaged.

Omega Psi Phi’s phone number as it was given to The Beacon by Fraternities Affairs was disconnected.

This wasn’t the first time violence has erupted at a UT dance at which Brown was performing.

“It is the second time it happened,” he said, citing a brawl that broke out recently at a dance on campus. “It was the same thing, the football players fighting the fraternities.”

Brown said the same football players who incited violence at the last event started the brawl on Saturday night.

“It is this one particular guy. Every time he at a party, he always start a fight,” Brown said. “I don’t know his full name.”
As the fight spread, KCSD officers “deployed their chemical spray” to subdue or disperse the crowd, Johnson reported.

“That is when an injured party approached one of the KCSD officers,” he reported. “The officer called for an ambulance, however, when the ambulance arrived on the scene the injured person had left the area.”

Evidence supported the assessment that “the fights were between the football team and the Omega Psi Phi fraternity, but no one could name any individuals involved,” Johnson reported.

John D. Painter, associate director of sports information, said Monday morning that it was too early to comment on the details and consequences of what happened.

The identity of the participants will be sought and punitive measures enacted, Ron Laffitte, associate dean of students, said Monday morning.

“We are investigating as we speak,” he said.

The property destroyed was initially valued at $2,058. The value of the painting was not included in the reports.
:shakehead: What a mess!

I miss college!

Let me just add this......

"No charges have been filed, but Tennessee reserve linebacker Daniel Brooks, a junior from Jackson, was named a suspect in the assault case."

"In December, Brooks was also accused of punching someone in the face at an off-campus party that turned into a brawl. A complaint was filed with police, but the case was dropped after the victim said he didn't want to prosecute, authorities said."

I think it is time for Brooks to go! Anyone else think so?
I say if you are on scholarship, you are a commissioned ambassador of the university. You have a responsibility to represent the university without blame or embarassment. But, being human, they won't be perfect. So, put in a 3 strike policy. Third altercation forfeits scholarship. A fourth altercation would dismiss from the athletic program. I know fights can happen, but the old saying goes that it takes a bigger man to walk away. Brooks seems to leave the house bent on getting into something, and some impressionable idiots follow him like he's a leader. Apparently we have no men playing football. I wouldn't expect it to get better. If we say Miami and SC are all thugs, hey we're getting into UM recruiting grounds now. ??
Now that I think about it, Brooks should not be kicked off of the team. With the new NCAA 92.5% rule, that could hurt us couldn't it?

If we let him go, he would be our first 0-2 and that could cost us scholarships in the future as well as the one that he seems to be wasting right now.

If the NCAA keeps this rule as is, it will tough to kick anyone off of the team for doing stuff that they shouldn't. It's not right, but it's the law......... ;)

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