What is the 10-40 window??
No and I'm sure you understood my meaning without having to ask such and asinine question. Just in case you really don't have the reading comprehension skills to grasp the meaning of what I said;
You are't even permitted to enter Mecca or Medina and if you did attempt to proclaim the gospel then you would surely die in short order.
All that's left of a once thriving Assyrian Christian church community in Saudi Arabia. Everywhere islam has reached dominance the muslims have destroyed churches, cemeteries, killed or converted the population and gennerally attempted to physically erase any history of anything other than islam. The same has happened in Kosovo during the last twenty years.
Bottom line that if muslims are to hear the gospel, it would be better if PC people like you would STFU.
Tough job but someone's got to do it. American's are appallingly ignorant of the history and nature of islam.
You're damned straight I do, first off we can repeal the Bwaney Fwank amendments to immigration law that forbid state department officials from denying a visa to someone that is known to have terrorist connections.
That is just stupid beyond words.
We can start enforcing emmigration law and deport those who enter illegally without a visa just like every other country in the world does.
We can also change quotas to allow more immigrants who want work and assimilate rather than those who grab the free federal tit and seek to form communities that more closely reflect the political nature of their own home country, such as has been done in Dearbornistan, Michigan.
Why would we import by the hundreds of thousands, even millions, people who seek to overthrow our present form of government??
Should I figure I need to postcrap about a NAMBLA gettogether for you benefit since your views seem to be more on their wavelength than mainstream America??
You know what they say about making assumptions.
Thank you for that bit of nonsense. Typical of those who can't debate or discuss anything without resorting to personal character attacks.
There is just one question I would like to ask; how do you reconcile your PC attitude about islam with the fact that islamic inspired genocides during the last century have taken the lives of over ten million Christians??