Originally posted by volmanjr@Sep 23, 2005 2:17 PM
No football game is worth anyone getting hurt just trying to get there, and if Rita has half the impact that Katrina did I would think that the folks in the BR area would have bigger things to concern themselves with.
Originally posted by volmanjr@Sep 23, 2005 2:17 PM
No football game is worth anyone getting hurt just trying to get there, and if Rita has half the impact that Katrina did I would think that the folks in the BR area would have bigger things to concern themselves with.
Originally posted by orangetd88@Sep 23, 2005 2:46 PM
I couldn't agree more.
For some reason, L$U folks can't seem to see the forest for the trees.
I've been going on and on with a few of them on another board.
It's been an interesting day.
Originally posted by volinbham@Sep 23, 2005 2:48 PM
While waiting for the official announcement yesterday afternoon, I checke the Baton Rouge forecast for Saturday night.
Rain, sustained winds at about 35 mph with gusts to 67 mph. Sure, go ahead and push for the game to be played in that weather while the rest of your state is getting even worse weather. Brilliant.
Originally posted by Logan@Sep 23, 2005 2:57 PM
It was the SEC commissioner's choice on when to play the game.
And if it was up to LSU, of course the game would have been postponed anyways. You don't think we know enough about hurricanes and their effects? Why would we encourage tennessee to bypass flight regulations and fly into Baton Rouge during a powerful storm?
Personally, I think it's lame that TN expressed their forfeit strategy had they not gotten their way.
Originally posted by lawgator1@Sep 23, 2005 3:11 PM
Wait, I'm not following. I thought that LSU said no to postponing the game at all. They wanted Saturday or, worst case, Sunday.
Then UT said, well, we can't do that so its Monday night or we forfeit. In which case LSUis out krillions.
So they folded like a cheap tent and said okay to Monday.
What am I missing?
Originally posted by Logan@Sep 23, 2005 3:22 PM
Everyone, especially LSU, wanted the game to be this weekend, and it was difficult to tell if that was possible until about 36 hours ago when it was inevitable that the game could not be played. At that point, our hopes to play on the weekend had quite clearly vanished.
And it wasn't a choice up to LSU or TN ultimately, although they had their say. SEC Commissioner Mike Slive made the choice to postpone, which is the correct choice, imo. He stated that due to scheduling conflicts, the game can't be postponed before the SECCG. So The only option was to move it to Monday, really.
I don't really see what the uproar is. No one seems to have their facts straight.
Originally posted by volinbham@Sep 23, 2005 3:27 PM
I'd say the uproar is that LSU's position was to stick with Sat. night eventhough it was becoming evident that playing it would be next to if not impossible. Your point is correct, the SEC commissioner stepped in because he felt that insisting on Sat. night/Sunday was unreasonable. I'm not a big fan of a Monday game for several reasons but it is clearly a better solution than the position advocated by LSU.
Originally posted by lawgator1@Sep 23, 2005 3:39 PM
So Logan, is it true that LSU as of yesterday's phone conference wanted to keep the game on Saturday? Its a simple yes or no.
If they did, then the rest of the claim by the UT fans is totally logical, which is to say that LSU is penulitmate greedy scumbags for insisting the game be on Saturday night despite the fact it would be lunacy to ask for that.
You also said above that both UT and LSU wanted to keep the game on Saturday. Huh? I read on some links here that Fulmer said no way am I flying my team into a feakin hurricane.
So quit dodging, Logan. Did LSU want to keep the game on Saturday as of phone conference yesterday?
Originally posted by Logan@Sep 23, 2005 3:43 PM
If you can provide me with a transcript of the conversation, then I'll tell you the answer.
Originally posted by lawgator1@Sep 23, 2005 3:39 PM
So Logan, is it true that LSU as of yesterday's phone conference wanted to keep the game on Saturday? Its a simple yes or no.
If they did, then the rest of the claim by the UT fans is totally logical, which is to say that LSU is penulitmate greedy scumbags for insisting the game be on Saturday night despite the fact it would be lunacy to ask for that.
You also said above that both UT and LSU wanted to keep the game on Saturday. Huh? I read on some links here that Fulmer said no way am I flying my team into a feakin hurricane.
So quit dodging, Logan. Did LSU want to keep the game on Saturday as of phone conference yesterday?
Originally posted by indyvol15@Sep 23, 2005 3:49 PM
The defense rests your honor.... :dance2:
Originally posted by lawgator1@Sep 23, 2005 3:54 PM
LOL. Well, I keep thinking there has to be a sane and reasonable explanation for this. Maybe there is and we just don't know it yet. I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt for a bit longer. But as of now it sure looks bad for the LSU AD.