For the Tennessee football history guys...



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
What past TN team can you compare our team now?

Regarding our depth and skill level?

I want to know what our expectations are from a historical point of view.
What past TN team can you compare our team now?

Regarding our depth and skill level?

I want to know what our expectations are from a historical point of view.

Erik Ainge's frosh year. We played a lot of new guys on offense that year. I'm not saying that the defense is similar but the question marks on offense are similar to me.
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Erik Ainge's frosh year. We played a lot of new guys on offense that year. I'm not saying that the defense is similar but the question marks on offense are similar to me.

I would agree.
Erik Ainge's frosh year. We played a lot of new guys on offense that year. I'm not saying that the defense is similar but the question marks on offense are similar to me.

Pretty significant difference in RB talent though.
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I have been around a bit longer than many here. I would suggest that it is most like 1964/65. UT had been in the doldrums for several years after Neyland retired and went through unsuccessful coaches, Harvey Robinson, Bowden Wyatt and Jim McDonald. Doug Dickey was hired and replaced the single wing with the "new" T formation. Started with an unknown at QB, the first season was around 500 (it was less because they had tie results then). The Vols went 8-1-2 in his second season and continued the climb to SEC champions 2 years later. Dickey changed a lot more than the offensive scheme. He initiated the team entrance through the band T, he changed the helmets, he suggested the checkerboards, etc.

Similarities... follow unsuccessful coaches; new offense; rebuild pride
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From 1958-1964, the Vols were absolutely miserable and played in no bowl games. Finally, in 1965, Doug Dickey won what is in my opinion the biggest bowl victory in TN football history (a win over Tulsa in the Bluebonnet Bowl), saved TN football, and launched the glory days all you kids remember. I would compare the team to the 1964 team--one good class away from the start of something good.
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What past TN team can you compare our team now?

Regarding our depth and skill level?

I want to know what our expectations are from a historical point of view.

When Majors was hired. I remember when Majors came to Atlanta to speak to about 1,000 Tennessee fans, he said that we were not very big, but we were slow. It took a while for him to get the program back where it should have been. It may be even more difficult to get the program back now because the quality of coaches in the SEC is much better now than it was when Majors arrived.
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Holy crap there's some old farts in here. :)

Just kiddin guys...
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I could see comparisons to the 1988 team. Started slow, finished strong, no bowl, but built a foundation to be a top five team in 1989.
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I have been around a bit longer than many here. I would suggest that it is most like 1964/65. UT had been in the doldrums for several years after Neyland retired and went through unsuccessful coaches, Harvey Robinson, Bowden Wyatt and Jim McDonald. Doug Dickey was hired and replaced the single wing with the "new" T formation. Started with an unknown at QB, the first season was around 500 (it was less because they had tie results then). The Vols went 8-1-2 in his second season and continued the climb to SEC champions 2 years later. Dickey changed a lot more than the offensive scheme. He initiated the team entrance through the band T, he changed the helmets, he suggested the checkerboards, etc.

Similarities... follow unsuccessful coaches; new offense; rebuild pride

You forgot to mention Doug's Rug.
You forgot to mention Doug's Rug.
I have to agree with Orange by birth on the 64/65 era team, because I am also one of the "old farts." Back to Doug's Rug. If my memory is correct, the first game on the rug was the opening game of my sophomore year in 1968 against Georgia. We rallied to tie 17-17 with about a 20 yard pass, and a 2 point conversion as the clock ran completely out.

We scored in the North endzone going toward the Hill. I have never been happier with a tie, at least until Carlos Reveiz kicked a 51 yard field goal, also going toward the Hill to tie Ga Tech 6-6 in 1985. The difference was that I thought we were sunk in 85 , based upon our offensive performance in that game without TRob. That team turned out to be a great football team, as did the 68 team..
It wont be long as you will be one of them, time flys enjoy it now you never know when it can be took from you real quick.:lolabove:
You speak the truth. I am 63 , and I told my wife the other day that when you get to your 60's, you can go at any time. I stated thinking of this after a class reunion when I found out that almost 40 out of 222 are dead.
When Johnny Came Marching Home, with his 'Follow me to Tennessee' recruiting slogan. He had a good (not great) recruiting class that formed the base on which he built the haul back into relevance. Although it seems bUTch is having better first year success recruiting than Johnny did, lets hope he develops athletes like Jimmie (Streakin') Streeter, and Reggie Harper. RIP both you guys, true Vol legends, who lit up our Saturdays.
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I'm thirty nine and for the first time in my life I don't feel like we could win most games. Even in years like 2005 and 2007 I always felt UT could pull off the upset. When I started following football around 82 Tennessee was coming back to being top tier SEC. other than 1986 I can't remember us not being competitive. That's why all this losing is got me really down... just not use to it. Not really a bad thing considering after all those years we finally really!
I too am going to go with the transition of Battle to Majors.

First I'll start with a QB comparison. In 1976, Randy Wallace was the starting QB, he also took over the role in 1975. He played for two full seasons similar to Bray and behind him on the depth chart was Joe Hough, Pat Ryan and Jimmie Streater. Hough and Ryan were our Worley and Peterman. Streater would end up starting in '77. Yet to be determined if Dobbs or Ferguson can be Jimmy Streater.

We lose Stanley Morgan and Larry Seivers after '76, which compares to having to replace Patterson and Hunter. Both Morgan (1st round) and Seivers (4th round) were drafted.

Hubert Simpson and Kelsey Finch (who I got to meet!) were serviceable and experienced backs like Lane and Neil. Certainly not up there with, Webb, Cobb, Hayden, Stewart, Henry, etc...

Defensively, we lose Puki and Spiva after 76 and the defensive line is going to be a bit of an unknown going into '77. Craig Puki is one of my favorite Vols, I was 10 years old and when he'd make a tackle Neyland would erupt with "PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKI". Vol fans transferred the "UUUUUUU" sound to Jimmy NOOOOOOONAN in '77...the first time I saw Mo Couch I thought of Jimmy Noonan.

I think the current D-line is in a bit better shape, LB's too. I'd say the DB situation is equivalent, though I think I'd take Roland James over the DB's I saw last year, Randolph is close.

As for the kicking game, well, we had Craig Colquitt...He went in the 3rd round to the Steelers. Who drafts a kicker in the 3rd round?!! Suffice to say, we don't have that currently.

Heck, we had to play Oregon St. in '77(beat them but lost to Cal in the season opener) and Auburn was on the schedule as well. We went 4-7 in '77 with the lone SEC victory being a 42-7 season ending win over Vanderbilt. I'm hoping Butch Jones can do a bit better, but I saw a thread the other day that predicted 4 wins...pretty similar all the way around. GBO!
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I'm thirty nine and for the first time in my life I don't feel like we could win most games. Even in years like 2005 and 2007 I always felt UT could pull off the upset. When I started following football around 82 Tennessee was coming back to being top tier SEC. other than 1986 I can't remember us not being competitive. That's why all this losing is got me really down... just not use to it. Not really a bad thing considering after all those years we finally really!

1988 was VERY BAD for 6 games...:salute:
I could see comparisons to the 1988 team. Started slow, finished strong, no bowl, but built a foundation to be a top five team in 1989.

The 1988 team won their last 5 games. We are only on a one-game winning streak. Plus, the Vols went 11-1 the following year. Wouldn't put money on that happening this year - 1988 was an aborration sandwiched between two double-digit winning seasons while the current bunch is following 5 straight seasons of absolute suck.
It wont be long as you will be one of them, time flys enjoy it now you never know when it can be took from you real quick.:lolabove:

No kidding. I make fun of my dad all the time by calling him "old man" but the truth is, he's 64 and still hangs with his 34 and 31 year old sons every Saturday when we play racquetball. He doesn't move like he once did but he's out there every week.

I give all the guys older than me grief...its just fun. :)
You speak the truth. I am 63 , and I told my wife the other day that when you get to your 60's, you can go at any time. I stated thinking of this after a class reunion when I found out that almost 40 out of 222 are dead.

I hit 51 and started freaking out, this thing they call Life does not take Long to pass you by.:rock:
I too am going to go with the transition of Battle to Majors.

First I'll start with a QB comparison. In 1976, Randy Wallace was the starting QB, he also took over the role in 1975. He played for two full seasons similar to Bray and behind him on the depth chart was Joe Hough, Pat Ryan and Jimmie Streater. Hough and Ryan were our Worley and Peterman. Streater would end up starting in '77. Yet to be determined if Dobbs or Ferguson can be Jimmy Streater.

We lose Stanley Morgan and Larry Seivers after '76, which compares to having to replace Patterson and Hunter. Both Morgan (1st round) and Seivers (4th round) were drafted.

Hubert Simpson and Kelsey Finch (who I got to meet!) were serviceable and experienced backs like Lane and Neil. Certainly not up there with, Webb, Cobb, Hayden, Stewart, Henry, etc...

Defensively, we lose Puki and Spiva after 76 and the defensive line is going to be a bit of an unknown going into '77. Craig Puki is one of my favorite Vols, I was 10 years old and when he'd make a tackle Neyland would erupt with "PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKI". Vol fans transferred the "UUUUUUU" sound to Jimmy NOOOOOOONAN in '77...the first time I saw Mo Couch I thought of Jimmy Noonan.

I think the current D-line is in a bit better shape, LB's too. I'd say the DB situation is equivalent, though I think I'd take Roland James over the DB's I saw last year, Randolph is close.

As for the kicking game, well, we had Craig Colquitt...He went in the 3rd round to the Steelers. Who drafts a kicker in the 3rd round?!! Suffice to say, we don't have that currently.

Heck, we had to play Oregon St. in '77(beat them but lost to Cal in the season opener) and Auburn was on the schedule as well. We went 4-7 in '77 with the lone SEC victory being a 42-7 season ending win over Vanderbilt. I'm hoping Butch Jones can do a bit better, but I saw a thread the other day that predicted 4 wins...pretty similar all the way around. GBO!

I was in the swamp the day Finch had his record setting 99+ yard TD. I lived in Metro Atlanta and also knew Andy Spiva and his mother Betty very well. The Big Orange Club in Atlanta was very active and we could help the coaches recruit at that time. Southern Railroad was filled with Tennessee fans then and we had a lot of fans show up every Thursday during football to talk with the three coaches who came in on Thursday evening and usually drove back to Knoxville after the Friday night games or very early Saturday morning.
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