Forecast for USU Game (as of 8/22)

A forecast this far out has absolutely no confidence. Just spent all weekend in the cove with 50-60% chance of thunderstorms and never saw one drop of rain.

At this point all they are going off is computer models. There will be very low confidence in the forecast until 24-48 hours out.

Yesterday it said 80% then this morning it was 40% and now it is at 60%? It will change a couple times every day until there is confidence in the forecast.
60% chance of T Storms at night as of 8/25 --- just hope there is no damn delays --- stupid moving it to Sunday as it is

Moving it to Sunday made the difference to me between 2 trips upriver and 3. For those of us that work Saturdays it was a pretty cool move.
Best weather forecast I've ever heard, coming from the late, great George Carlin: "There's a rainstorm moving in from the east, and a dust storm moving in from the west. You people in the middle are gonna get mud."
Since I am a meteorology major, I will tell you the one knows. You'll have a good idea on Saturday morning of an accurate forecast for Sunday evening. Even then during the summer in a humid environment who knows when it could rain. :banghead2:
Since I am a meteorology major, I will tell you the one knows. You'll have a good idea on Saturday morning of an accurate forecast for Sunday evening. Even then during the summer in a humid environment who knows when it could rain. :banghead2:

For further evidence see Montana game. I am a meteorology "buff" but not something in educated in but that one was amazing. 10% chance of scattered afternoon showers and I still have mildew in my boat from leaving a hatch window open and walking in under sunny skies and not long at all into the game we had 60mpg winds almost 2 inches of rain and almost an hour lightning delay.

What's even funnier is there are all these models that predict weather that were made by very smart people and 3-5 days out they barely resemble each other. It's when they converge that you can have semi-high confidence in any forecast especially around here.

Lived in Clearwater Florida for a few years and the weather people there craved a names storm or anything outbid the ordinary because they get tired of saying "High of. 88 low of 74 with a 30% chance of afternoon storms near the coast" every day lol.
Let it snow, hail, hell for you brimstoners, let it brimstone. I just want to see a fun healthy buttwhooping laid on the Aggies. And every Vol leaving the field feeling like they gave their all - with all muscles and lig's intact.
80% as of now, but the newspaper said the t-storm risk was scattered and in the afternoon. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll dry up by gametime.
I spent all last weekend in the cove with a 60-80% chance depending on which service you use. We didnt see a drop. Year before last we went to the Montana game and there was a 20% chance of scattered showers and I am still cleaning mildew from my boat after the storm and almost hour lightning delay.

Forecasts this far out are low confidence...very low confidence. All the 80% chance means is at some point in the day about 80% of people in the area seeing rain. With that said an 80% chance is pretty high.

I expect if the models hold true there will be off and on rain on Sunday with a lower percentage in the evening.

Long story short, it is not going to affect my plans!

FWIW I only see percentages ranging from 20% to 40% on the sites I use.

May go up or down as the week goes on.

Friday will be the day to check.
Maybe this plays in our favor...just like how the humidity did vs. Oregon a few years back
speaking as someone that works outside alot, and checks the weather a few times a day. you can not trust a weather forcast that far out. you can hardly trust one the day before.

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