Forgive Student Loans?

Congress is supposed to "control the purse" so I have heard.... student debt should be authorized by Congress and let the constituents see how their rep voted. king xiden should not be able to spend without congressional approval.

I seem to remember that was the argument when Trump tried to shore up the border. It was a travesty then to move money around, not spend it, or apparently print it from nothing; in those not so long ago days congress and the courts slapped Trumps' hands for going off the reservation and touching the purse strings.
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Congress is supposed to "control the purse" so I have heard.... student debt should be authorized by Congress and let the constituents see how their rep voted. king xiden should not be able to spend without congressional approval.

Controlling the Power of Corporal Klingers Purse could solve many of our problems. We gotta find the Congress with the Guts.
10th and Purse

Strangle the hell out of it..
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All this recent dem spending and vote buying is nothing but pure communism with a capitalistic bent. Redistribution of wealth/income as a means to buy votes. Most of us are just screwed, some are rewarded for failure, and politicians are laughing all the way to the bank. The old Soviets would be green with envy.
All this recent dem spending and vote buying is nothing but pure communism with a capitalistic bent. Redistribution of wealth/income as a means to buy votes. Most of us are just screwed, some are rewarded for failure, and politicians are laughing all the way to the bank. The old Soviets would be green with envy.

CCP model..the Feds are jealous.
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I like it and hate it at same time.
Everything is a money grab.

It's really somewhat fitting. If I loan money to my son (or any other relative or friend), then the IRS requires me to charge interest, and I have to pay tax on the interest. The term is "imputed interest", and the IRS dictates the minimum interest ... or the penalty if you get caught not charging interest. I did loan money to my son and never treated the money loaned in anyway not available to me; so even though the principle was unavailable to me, I never used that fact to reduce my taxes. I did have to pay tax on the interest, though. Supposedly the IRS has the rule to prevent wealthy parents from transferring income to children and having it returned when it's more opportune. To me it's like the people doing the taxing are trying to dictate where and how much of your income you spend. Another example is purchasing a used car for below the normal values for that particular type car. I don't have much sympathy if someone has to pay taxes on the portion of the loan forgiven.


I think the guy that wrote this article needs to get a refund on his degree.
remember the msdnc or clown news... bloomberg spent 350 million on his failed campaign and they were lamenting that was enough to give every US citizen a million bucks lol.
The day after that story ran one of my managers said that to me. I had to walk him through why it was false. I walked away wondering why I was letting him manage a $5.5 million dollar business

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