when I served this nation mid 70' - early 80' full time and then joined the guard during desert storm build up (I spent several yrs overseas but did not deploy during Iraq because desert storm was over before I finished tech school) the only boots/shoes that were issued were standard combat boots. my first LES reflected deductions such as taxes, allotments, and clothing. when I read you statement about free shoes I knew it was most likely a joke but reminded me of the mostly great times I had in the military. jump boots were not issued to all units (mine was issues metal plated jump boots along with other tropical gear) my 1st pair of jump boots cost me about $100 and I was very proud of them. my son is now in the military and his pay is way above what we received back in the day. in addition the clothing allowance we received came no where near paying for daily wear and tear we put ourselves and our uniforms through, I think office personnel clothing lasted much longer.