Former California Sen. Barbara Boxer Assaulted, Robbed in the Bay Area

Have I ever made that argument?

Edit: Not surprised someone on VN would come at me with an argument I never made. Kind of surprised you did.
Not you, to my knowledge. That was tongue in cheek. But, this is the kind of foolishness I see some people throw around lately. It's almost a dehumanization of anyone that doesn't agree with one's political ideology or decisions regarding medical treatment.
Not you, to my knowledge. That was tongue in cheek. But, this is the kind of foolishness I see some people throw around lately. It's almost a dehumanization of anyone that doesn't agree with one's political ideology or decisions regarding medical treatment.
I understand you have your opinions, which are obviously based on a better knowledge base than mine regarding the vaccine/masks/distancing, etc.; but I'm going with my docs and what they've told me about what's best for me and my family. I'm not going to trash anybody else for listening to their doc.

If someone's medical decision is based on what a TV voice box or politician has told them, I'm not as sympathetic, but I won't take an "I told you so," lap if they get 'rona w/o the vaccine or have adverse reactions to the vaccine.
Can't agree with you on this one, friend. I don't think that random muggers equate to justice. Disagree with me politically, thats fine, but it doesn't deserve violence.

Civility should rule absolutely, but tell that to the victim of an illegal that her kind import with impunity or the thugs they let roam the streets in the name of "free speech". I'd rather see this happen to a policy maker than a true innocent.
A good dose of karma as TVN pointed out. Libs have been coddling their criminals for far too long. Play with fire ...
This is a very shallow and immature perspective. I would say the same thing about liberals gloating over anti-vaxxers contracting Covid-19.
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Then you are admitting that you feel heartened by it. That is petty.

A picture better represents my initial feeling.
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She was pushed and had her phone stolen…. Which in CA isn’t even prosecuted unless it’s over $1,000…. Nothing to see here … no crime was committed… just another day in CA
This isn't true. If the theft of property is valued at under $950 it is a misdemeanor, but that's still a crime for which people are prosecuted for.

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