You and the ones who think this way are just wrong. It displays a simplistic way of thinking from people who know next to nothing about food addiction and obesity. Keep thinking like its 1950 if it makes you feel better.
So everyone that is overweight now has a food addiction? It's not their fault, right? I wish it was 1950, there weren't as many whiny, "it's not my fault" types around back then and I wouldn't have to listen to as much bull****.
Ok.. I'll.give you that one..bsay there is a legitimate 5% with a food addiction.
What about he other 95%?
Who's sit in their ass, eat 5000 calories a day, and wonder why they are overweight?
And then when they do try and do something about it, they don't follow common sense practices, don't do any research, go to the gym 4 days a week for 30 minutes with a body that is used to zero training so they stay sore, and wonder why they fail? So along come someone, pats them on the back and tells them it's not their fault, they have a food addiction.
Gimme a break. That in a nutshell is societies problem, it's not MY fault.. I have a food addiction.
Sad thing is they don't have to do all that. Simple diet changes and some self control would fix most weight problems , even without exercise. Exercise helps because it revs up the metabolism and builds muscle, but again.. burn more than you take in. Smaller more frequent meals.
Another issue is portion size. How many times do you see someone eat more than 1 plate? I see it a lot. Americans are used to having food available 24/7. Fast food on every corner, convenience stores, cheap mass produced processed foods. Very few in this country eat the way we should.
I went to Bulgsria on a training mission. Visited 3 different cities and saw ONE fast food restaurant and no one was in it.... And it was in a heavy tourist area. They eat whole foods, meats, cheeses, and vinegar based dressings. I saw very little obesity. Older women , and tourist basically. The population as a whole was no where near as overweight as what you typically see here and the food was wonderful. And this would be considered a "poor" country by American standard and those people eat like Kings. Actually, they eat like our grandparents did.
So if the food addiction angle makes you feel better run with it, if you know someone with a weight problem and they claim that, I hope they get treatment and get healthy. If they truly don't have a food addiction, you either slap the crap out of them and tell them to take responsibility for themselves or try to educate them.
It's always easier to do things the easy way when someone gives you a crutch to lean on.