Former KY QB 5 bills

Hollywierd has even turned being fat into celebrity status.

If you're comfortable with yourself.. no matter how large or small you are then who am I to judge? Be yourself and who you wanna be.

I just felt bad for those that are risking their health and blind to it, or lack the will power to change. Those folks need help.
Really? He's right. Unless they have a medical or physical condition that limits a person's ability to be mobile or exercise,
It's actually pretty simple. Burn more calories than you take in. It's not rocket science. If you have a slow metabolism then you can raise it by eating smaller, more frequent meals and exercise.

Again.. if a person feels they are overweight, eat foods with less calories, eat more frequently with smaller portions, and get some sort of exercise to build muscle because muscle burns fat.

exactly. Unless you have a medical condition which the majority dont, to be fat in this day and age means you're lazy or just dont give a ****.
Unless their is an underlying medical or physical condition then no.. it's not a struggle. It's a lifestyle choice and choices they make. It's choices in what they eat, what they buy, how much they eat, and what they choose to do with any free time they have. They can sit and watch TV all day or.when off work or.get up and go do something.

And for most people it's not this drastic change in lifestyle that's required, usually just being smart about what you put in your body and a little discipline.

My mother wasnt happy with her weight. She is always active, cutting grass, gardening, taking care of her mother, but at 62 she was getting pudgy.

She stopped eating or drinking anything with processed sugar. Only lifestyle change she made. She lost 25 pounds in 5;months.

That's it.. all she did. No trips to the gym, no salads every meal, no extra walking or running, just 1 little simple dietary change.

But she had 1 thing most don't, self discipline. She said the hardest part was giving up her sweet tea. Lol She used a sugar substitute to sweeten it and complained it didn't taste the same.

It is pretty much that simple. Lifestyle choices are what make the difference. Personally I could care less if someone is overweight or not.. that's their business. But don't eat Yugo food and expect to have a Ferrari body. It ain't happening.

And yes, I do understand that some are genetically predisposed to store fat more easily than others, that's why diet and watching what you eat is so important. It can be a little harder for those folks but if they do just a little research and exercise some self discipline then weight won't be a problem.

Blame anyone they want, food manufacturers, doctors, genetics, but ultimately it's the person in the mirror making the choices.

The sweet tea is my weak caveat as well. I go through spurts where I give it up cold turkey and fight through the caffeine headaches then one trip to eat BBQ and it's back on. One semester at UT I gave up Cokes and sweet tea in the cafeteria and told myself I'd only drink tea if I went out to a restaurant, which was maybe 1x per week. That was going to be my reward. I stayed true to it and like your mother lost 15+ pounds just from no tea and more water. Got back home that Christmas and my summer employer asked me what I was doing cause he could tell I lost weight since August. He was shocked when I told him I hadn't ran or worked out a lick, other than normal intramurals and walking to class.
The sweet tea is my weak caveat as well. I go through spurts where I give it up cold turkey and fight through the caffeine headaches then one trip to eat BBQ and it's back on. One semester at UT I gave up Cokes and sweet tea in the cafeteria and told myself I'd only drink tea if I went out to a restaurant, which was maybe 1x per week. That was going to be my reward. I stayed true to it and like your mother lost 15+ pounds just from no tea and more water. Got back home that Christmas and my summer employer asked me what I was doing cause he could tell I lost weight since August. He was shocked when I told him I hadn't ran or worked out a lick, other than normal intramurals and walking to class.
Coke was my tough one. I went from 3-4 20oz bottles a day to 1 or 2 cans a month. Took a while but all i have now is water or unsweet tea.
Coke was my tough one. I went from 3-4 20oz bottles a day to 1 or 2 cans a month. Took a while but all i have now is water or unsweet tea.

I gave up cokes for the most part long ago. Every once in a blue moon I'll grab a Mountain Dew if driving long distance but for the most part carbonated beverages just don't appeal to me anymore.
I'm not gonna lie.. in pretty much drink or eat what I want. I drink tea and mountain dew at will. I eat a lot... Normally 2 full meals and a lot of snacking during the day. I bust my tail pretty much every day doing physical labor so I gotta fuel the fire and it keeps my metabolism revved up.

I'm 47, 6'1", and weigh right at 200 pounds. I carry very little fat on me. Between good genetics and hard work I look like I work out but I don't.
I did however do some pretty serious weight training in my late 30's and early 40's. I did a ton of research on it, diet, technique, you know the drill. I was able to make drastic changes to myself in short periods of time. It used to piss my ex off. She was pudgy and wanted to lose weight. I would lay out and it and exercise plan for her but she would never stick to it. She would rather take those prescription diet pills. They would work for awhile but them she would plateau and couldn't get below a certain weight. Her other issue (which I found out later) was she would go days without eating, which is exactly the opposite of what you should do. Your body goes into starvation mode and breaks down muscle before it burns fat. So that makes it even harder to burn calories.

She thought I was nuts telling her to eat more frequently. Truth is she was too lazy to do a bit of reading to learn the truth and what she needed to do.

She is still fat to this day. Lol


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