While it would be great if he gets his sh!t, ok, stuff together to help his God-given talent in football, it's a whole lot more important that he gets it together to help his God-given chance for a life as a reasonably happy, stable, and productive human being.
I hope that UM will do everything within its power to get him into a serious, effective substance abuse program, and that he will find the courage to do what he needs to do to survive. He's awfully damn young to be this screwed up.
Many people with SA issues take several or multiple attempts through treatment to finally turn their lives around. Just as we don't expect cancer patients to suddenly get healthy after the first round of chemo, it's not realistic to expect that one trip through rehab will "fix" the addict.
Best wishes to him, and especially to his family, which is already struggling with his dad's health problems. :hi: