Far more likely that Shuler will be voted out of office.
For one thing there is ZERO chance the dhimmis will still control the house.
For another thing they would be more likely to vote Maxine Waters speaker than Shuler.
The only thing is question is whether the republicans will win control of the senate.
Throughout history every time the house has flipped, so did the senate.
In Delaware, O'Donnell who has been vilified, denegrated and demonized more than any other candidate (in favor of a bearded Kenyan marxist) drew five times as many people to a rally as did VP Rosary Joe Biden, so I wouldn't be too confident if I were a dhimmi, even Heath bar.
If he really thinks the dhimmis will still control the house and that he has even the slightest chance of winning the speaker position, then that doesn't say much for his grasp of reality.