Former Vol Becomes Wrestler

We have a good history in the Rasslin' biz... Captain Lou Albano played under Neyland and I think was on our 1951 Championship team.
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Some of you are so negative, you would probably cry about paying taxes after winning a million dollars.

He was having some fun and representing the Orange.. He has started his own business, and in no way did this for the money.. anyone who knows anything about amateur wrestling knows there is no money in it.

You jerks are probably just jealous that you don't have the balls to step in the ring with anyone in those pictures.

You want to run your mouths, do it about someone who hasn't done more for the team and university you supposedly love then you ever will.
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Some of you are so negative, you would probably cry about paying taxes after winning a million dollars.

He was having some fun and representing the Orange.. He has started his own business, and in no way did this for the money.. anyone who knows anything about amateur wrestling knows there is no money in it.

You jerks are probably just jealous that you don't have the balls to step in the ring with anyone in those pictures.

You want to run your mouths, do it about someone who hasn't done more for the team and university you supposedly love then you ever will.
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Gotta love a midget ref!

Not a fan of wrestling. I personally think it is a joke and a waste of time. But if Hood is having fun, good for him.
May have closed it out with a "wharp your head off" hold, made famous by the legendary Ron Wright. Or perhaps "the Hangman," signature move of the great Al Greene. Could have been a "backhand judo chop," highly illegal move by Tojo Yamamoto of Nashville. We used to get blazed and watch the Nashville local wrestling. Anyone remember "the Fargo Strut?" Jackie Fargo ran for Sheriff in Davidson County, or was going to. I don't think it worked out.
May have closed it out with a "wharp your head off" hold, made famous by the legendary Ron Wright. Or perhaps "the Hangman," signature move of the great Al Greene. Could have been a "backhand judo chop," highly illegal move by Tojo Yamamoto of Nashville. We used to get blazed and watch the Nashville local wrestling. Anyone remember "the Fargo Strut?" Jackie Fargo ran for Sheriff in Davidson County, or was going to. I don't think it worked out.

"The Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller and the Mongolian Stomper were great.
Not a fan of wrestling. I personally think it is a joke and a waste of time. But if Hood is having fun, good for him.

Wrestling is a tv show, just like Breaking Bad or Walking Dead or any other show or play you may watch, except that its live.
Man, you guys are jumping on the wrong guy. I had the pleasure of meeting him ONCE during a Patricia Neil event on-campus, and he is hands down one of the nicest people I've ever met. He is shy and reserved, but that means absolutely nothing. Give the guy some slack for crying out loud!
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Man, you guys are jumping on the wrong guy. I had the pleasure of meeting him ONCE during a Patricia Neil event on-campus, and he is hands down one of the nicest people I've ever met. He is shy and reserved, but that means absolutely nothing. Give the guy some slack for crying out loud!

I love wrestling, but i know what it is. Its people that don't understand what it is that bash it. Best of luck to him and id love to see him in the WWE one day, thats a tough, long road though.
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Man, you guys are jumping on the wrong guy. I had the pleasure of meeting him ONCE during a Patricia Neil event on-campus, and he is hands down one of the nicest people I've ever met. He is shy and reserved, but that means absolutely nothing. Give the guy some slack for crying out loud!
I don't see any post jumping on Daniel, some may be jumping on wrestling as a career choice but nobody has said one bad word about him as a person.
I don't see any post jumping on Daniel, some may be jumping on wrestling as a career choice but nobody has said one bad word about him as a person.

So far I've seen him lumped with Bray, called "embarrassing", etc.

Its just an oddly harsh reaction by some to something the guy is doing for fun.

By all accounts the guy's been a model alum since graduating.

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