There's absolutely legitimate criticism but this "socialist agenda" bull**** is just that -- bull****.
As for GM, if you think their bailout was crap, that's fine and I actually agree with you, but anybody advocating for that also needs to own the fact that GM was likely going to cease to exist without it. Bob Lutz (among the staunchest of conservatives) has said as much. The administrations choices of who got their hair cut how much, but that was political backswing from the prior bailouts which came with no strings attached, when most people didn't want any corporations in hot water to get any money whatsoever.
Two of the main guys in Obama's ear (Summers and Geithner) are long-time government fixtures from the revolving door with Wall Street (Government Sachs, etc) and were around for the last go-round.
If Obama were actually coming to take your guns, then he would be actually getting money from the people who want to see the government take your guns away, but as it stands, they have no use for him.
And this soak the rich crap is nothing more than populism for stump speeches.
Again, putting rhetoric completely aside, the Obama administration has featured little functional difference from Bush II and I'd be willing to put my money where my mouth is that the same will be said about Romney if he gets elected.