
No matter how much of it was his fault, no football game warrants someone getting death threats
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Of course not. I didn't remover that related to foster. I remember hearing it said about crompton though. I believe 99% of of fan base exhibit class most of the time. But theres at least one idiot in every crowd.
Of course not. I didn't remover that related to foster. I remember hearing it said about crompton though. I believe 99% of of fan base exhibit class most of the time. But theres at least one idiot in every crowd.

Unless they are all alabubba fans. Then it's a crowd of idiots.
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My son lived with his grandparents in Houston last year when my wife and I were deployed overseas, and he adopted the Houston Texans as his NFL team and Arian Foster as his favorite player ... might have been because we have the same last name ... but I like to think that my boy realized that Arian was also a former Volunteer!
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Of course not. I didn't remover that related to foster. I remember hearing it said about crompton though. I believe 99% of of fan base exhibit class most of the time. But theres at least one idiot in every crowd.

I believe it was after the Penn state game....but I agree
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Personally, I love having Arian Foster back involved with the program. He, along with Peyton and the other former UT players in the League, give me a reason to watch the NFL.
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I believe it was after the Penn state game....but I agree
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O thinks for that terrible could make a case that alot of Tennessee
Players had a few bad moments....Payton couldn't beat the Gators...ainge throwing that interception in the sec championship game.....Bray fumbling against south Carolina....Graham fumbling against Florida twice,and even Zach dropping that 4 and 3 pass from Bray in OT against its not fair for arian to get all the hate he is player that made a mistake happens to the best of them.
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O thinks for that terrible could make a case that alot of Tennessee
Players had a few bad moments....Payton couldn't beat the Gators...ainge throwing that interception in the sec championship game.....Bray fumbling against south Carolina....Graham fumbling against Florida twice,and even Zach dropping that 4 and 3 pass from Bray in OT against its not fair for arian to get all the hate he is player that made a mistake happens to the best of them.

That's what I was saying....btw that fumble wasn't brays fault and only the 1st pick was ainges fault...lucas Taylor tipped up the 2nd one
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No but punks posing as Vol fans who choose to be disrespectful of honorable former players such as Arian Foster sure does.

Color yourself ignored punk!

Oh no, you ignored me on a message board what am I going to do? If you go back and read my comment I in no way shape or form was disrespectful to him. I was saying how some of our faithful were to him.
Oh no, you ignored me on a message board what am I going to do? If you go back and read my comment I in no way shape or form was disrespectful to him. I was saying how some of our faithful were to him.

Brave, just in case you actually did ignore him and didn't do an "air" ignore.......
I thought Fostermom was a poster who took in foster children.
Fade,I thought you had more class than this,I guess I'm wrong

it is great that Arian took the time to come back home to UT and speak with the team,that shows how much he liked it here and I would like to see some more post from you Fostemom :) it is going to be wild year for sure,how ever it turns out

Go Vols
I appreciate fosters contributions and for coming back to speak to the players here. You know Forster has a chip on his shoulder, which I have been accused of having as well. Unfortunately it has seemed recently like he has misdirected some of that animosity toward the vols. it's his own fault that he wasn't drafted and that he wasn't revered while here. He had both maturity and clutch fumbling issues. But the reality is this fan base still hopes all our former players go on to be successful. I liken it to the situation Justin hunter is in now. After being very impressive early in his time here, this past season was somewhat disappointing with all the drops and such. But we all are appreciative of his contributions and hope he continues to develope and go on to become one of the best. In a Irionic twist, foster probably would've never become the player/person he has become without enduring the trials and tribulations he dealt with while here. He choose to use he precived slights as motivation to better himself. Props to him. That's how you win in life!

Anyone actually met Arian?...I used to work security for the Dolphins a few years ago and after the game with the Texans I had a chance to say hello to Arian and told him I was a UT guy and he was very polite and friendly and We just chatted for a few moments on UT football and how he liked being in Houston...Shook his hand and wished him luck...Fostermom, You did a fantastic job raising that young man to have the manners he has and you should be very proud!
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He was awesome today! Lots of cheers and clapping. He DJ'd in the first half. Win win win!

For me personally that was the best time at a spring game ever.
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