Fox News cut live feed of Obama debate with GOP halfway through



Vol Football Evangelist
Dec 17, 2009
Obama spars with GOP in no-holds-barred debate | Raw Story

Fox News cut live feed of Obama debate half-way through; GOP aides say allowing cameras was a 'mistake'.

NBC's Luke Russert offered more evidence that at least the GOP views it as a loss for their side.

"GOP aides telling me it was a mistake to allow cameras into Obama's QA with GOP members," Russert tweeted Friday. "Allowed BO to refute GOP for 1.5 hours on TV."

Oops. :)
The president also chastised Republicans for presenting health care reform as "some Bolshevik plot." But he spent a considerable amount of time arguing for bipartisanship, and for his own credentials as an open-minded leader who can work across party lines.

he "argued" for bipartisanship while at the same time he said nothing when he met exclusively with democrats to craft what became the final draft of the health care bill.

Obama is a fool and his apologists are simply fooled.
"If the way these issues are being presented by the Republicans is that this is some wild-eyed plot to impose huge government in every aspect of our lives, what happens is you guys don't have a lot of room to negotiate with me," the president said. "The fact is that many of you, if you voted with the administration on something, are politically vulnerable with your own base in your own party. You've given yourselves very little room to work in a bipartisan fashion because what you've told your constituents is this guy is doing all kinds of crazy stuff that's gonna destroy America."

....and the uber's have swallowed it hook, line, and message board sinker........
what the GOP is doing pales in comparison to what the dems did during W's two terms. It isn't even obstructionism given the dem majorities in Congress. Obama is simply lying through his teeth.
I think that Obama's point about demonizing the other side is a good one, and accurate. He is also right to point out that both parties engage in it. It leaves you very little room to work with a party that you're already declared as not having the best interests of America/it's people at heart.
BHO has also proven that he will say whatever he deems necessary, at any point in time, to get people on his side.
He can not be trusted, period.
he "argued" for bipartisanship while at the same time he said nothing when he met exclusively with democrats to craft what became the final draft of the health care bill.

Obama is a fool and his apologists are simply fooled.

1. That meeting took place because Republicans have withdrawn from the legislative process, opting instead for childish foot stomping, and crying "NO, NO, NO"

2. Insults are the final bastion of the "fool".
We are discussing BHO....thanks for playing

and "BHO" is a......wait for it............POLITICIAN thats right, you get a gold star. It's common to compare one of a certain type of thing with others of that same type, in order to gain more perspective on the original subject. Therefore we can make conclusions and form opinions, with which we can effectively argue. Maybe a little less myopic would be easier to digest.....thanks for playing.
and "BHO" is a......wait for it............POLITICIAN thats right, you get a gold star. It's common to compare one of a certain type of thing with others of that same type, in order to gain more perspective on the original subject. Therefore we can make conclusions and form opinions, with which we can effectively argue. Maybe a little less myopic would be easier to digest.....thanks for playing.

wow, that is deep....thanks
#1 is horseshat

Is there any evidence to support this opinion or is it just partisan playground time? At least 4 iterations of the same bill, each with a new amendment or lacking an amendment at the request of the Republican caucus refused by that caucus. Reasons for not voting a bill through were the same old "horsehat" excuses. "it's too expensive", "it burdens our children", "it's a Bolshevik plot". so on and so forth. But at the end of the day we need an affordable way to sustain our health and these politicians are only obstructing our way forward. Honestly I dont know who's fault it is but I also dont attack and defend based on antiquated conceptions of political ideology. So why is it "horsehat"?
You are very ignorant if you think that the GOP has been included in the crafting any version of these bills. They have offerred plans and have been shut out by the Dems.
You just keep believing the President. It is the easy thing to do.
Your "join us, or get out of our way" ideas are weak.
The GOP has been included in the crafting of every bill in the role of the minority (which they are). As such, the minority can ask to have things added or taken away but do not participate as equal negotiators with the majority. From this simple idea we take phrases like MAJORITY RULE and LEGISLATIVE PROCESS. If the GOP does not want to behave as a responsible minority then they do not want to participate. Please tell me why the will of a minority of the people should be considered more heavily over the will of the majority? The GOP got whatever they wanted when they were the majority and now they don't know how to act when they have to actually negotiate to reach their goals. [sarcasm] And why is it every right wing whack job just loves to call people "ignorant" and "foolish", frankly it's childish and infantile (irony intended). [/sarcasm]
The GOP has been included in the crafting of every bill in the role of the minority (which they are). As such, the minority can ask to have things added or taken away but do not participate as equal negotiators with the majority. From this simple idea we take phrases like MAJORITY RULE and LEGISLATIVE PROCESS. If the GOP does not want to behave as a responsible minority then they do not want to participate. Please tell me why the will of a minority of the people should be considered more heavily over the will of the majority? The GOP got whatever they wanted when they were the majority and now they don't know how to act when they have to actually negotiate to reach their goals. [sarcasm] And why is it every right wing whack job just loves to call people "ignorant" and "foolish", frankly it's childish and infantile (irony intended). [/sarcasm]

Here is where your little Political Science lesson falls apart. This is the ignorance of which I speak. (see what I did there?)
If you think that I am a right wing wack job. I take that as a high praise.
Here is where your little Political Science lesson falls apart. This is the ignorance of which I speak. (see what I did there?)
If you think that I am a right wing wack job. I take that as a high praise.

WTF are you talking about???? Where does it "fall apart" now?? seems like a perfectly sensible question, let me say it louder so maybe this time I'll get an answer. WHY SHOULD THE MINORITY BE SERVED OVER THE MAJORITY?????????? If you were 60% of the population how readily would you acquiesce to the will of the other 40%?? how many different ways do I have to ask this question? The whack job thing was a sarcastic joke (note the [/sarcasm] HTML tag). I dont think you're a whack job...just more combative than argumentative.
All the polls that I see, say that the MAJORITY of the people do not want this reform.
I am sorry that this fact slipped by your radar. The only ones that want this are the politicians on the left.
NOT the majority of the people.
And politicians on the left are the MAJORITY in both legislative bodies of the Government, duly elected their by the will of the people. So I ask you again. Should we take a poll for every legislative question in congress? That would be very very complicated. We elect people to achieve the major legislative goals we wish as the people, and let the elected officials deal with the details. They are all currently failing miserably but that isn't the point. Polls do not reflect the will of the people as well as elections do. And that's why we have them. Why don't you run that by your radar?
And politicians on the left are the MAJORITY in both legislative bodies of the Government, duly elected their by the will of the people. So I ask you again. Should we take a poll for every legislative question in congress? That would be very very complicated. We elect people to achieve the major legislative goals we wish as the people, and let the elected officials deal with the details. They are all currently failing miserably but that isn't the point. Polls do not reflect the will of the people as well as elections do. And that's why we have them. Why don't you run that by your radar?

People's opinions change in a year. (See the Mass election)
Your "ideal political world" is....wait for it.........horseshat :)

When it comes to an issue as big a healthcare, dang straight we should do what the people want. Not what the politicians think "is best" for all us common folk.
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Polls do not reflect the will of the people as well as elections do.
They do if the polling sample is good enough. It never ceases to amaze me how political parties are always 1 election cycle late in reacting to the will of the people.
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