People's opinions change in a year. (See the Mass election)
Your "ideal political world" is....wait for it.........horseshat![]()
That is what controlled the last election. Therefore, the Dems have the MAJORITY.
(see how that works?)
2 yrs to decide is a world of difference from 2 months. Also that is entirely your opinion. The last congressional election was the same as every election before it, so you can say the same thing for the GOP in the 90's.
You must be young. The Dems have been trying to install government healthcare since Clinton, and on a much smaller scale, before him.
This is nothing more than a "government knows best" power grab disguised as "what the people want".
Not just the health care issue (I remember Hillary and her mistakes, Bill's apparent disinterest.) But talking about governance on a whole as a theory and a practical matter when it comes to effecting positive change through balanced and smart legislation.
when all else fails, find your copy of the US Constitution and read Article I, Section 8. There, you'll find the 18 things the Federal Government is allowed to provide under the auspices of both the "general welfare" and the "necessary and proper" clauses.
Actually, I may be in the minority on this... but I kind of got a kick out of Obama's little exchange yesterday. I still think his ideas are destructive to this country, but he did make one very valid point. He said that for the most part, the US's two parties are really not that far apart from one another, unlike in other countries where the differences in two or more parties are more stark. I agree with this statement... there's very little differnce when all is said and done between a Democrat and a Republican.
That's why the system is broken and needs to change.
So our government should instantly respond to the under-informed emotional responses by the masses on every issue? Your "extremely flawed political world" is donkeyfedora![]()
So, the will of the people is inconsequential? That's the kind of attitude that is currently causing the Democrats so much problems.
He said that for the most part, the US's two parties are really not that far apart from one another, unlike in other countries where the differences in two or more parties are more stark. I agree with this statement... there's very little differnce when all is said and done between a Democrat and a Republican.
That's why the system is broken and needs to change.
Explain to me then how exactly we should efficiently pass legislation that falls in line perfectly with the current will of the people? And then what about tomorrow when 60% of the people change their minds? All I'm saying is, 600,000,000 opinions cannot effectively pass laws or govern.
Alright...I tried, I really did, but you are in fact faaaaaaar to douche for conversation. I'll tell you whats going on at huggington if you let me know how the last Klan meeting went.
I think that Obama's point about demonizing the other side is a good one, and accurate. He is also right to point out that both parties engage in it. It leaves you very little room to work with a party that you're already declared as not having the best interests of America/it's people at heart.
And politicians on the left are the MAJORITY in both legislative bodies of the Government, duly elected their by the will of the people. So I ask you again. Should we take a poll for every legislative question in congress? That would be very very complicated. We elect people to achieve the major legislative goals we wish as the people, and let the elected officials deal with the details. They are all currently failing miserably but that isn't the point. Polls do not reflect the will of the people as well as elections do. And that's why we have them. Why don't you run that by your radar?
He engages in the same regularly. It's absurd for him to ever chastise anyone for demonizing another group - absolutely absurd.
The absurdity of chastising is one thing - my point is that the basic point makes sense. It is hard to open yourself up to negotiating with a group that you have recently demonized, especially when you have to go back home and get re-elected. It doesn't mean he is above it, but I hadn't really thought about it until he brought it up.