Free Agent Vols

Uhh, Hillis sucks at blocking and is not a prototypical FB or TE.

Hillis isn't the best at blocking, but he's decent. Better than Brown atleast. He's also much faster than Chris. Hillis ran a 4.53 and I think CB ran a 4.8 or something. Hillis' upside is much better than Brown's
Not surprised that he got signed. Will be surprised if he makes it past the first cut though...

The same thing can be said for the rest of these players as well. They weren't drafted by any of 32 teams for a reason. Who was the last UT free agent signee to stick with an NFL team and actually see significant playing time?
So, the browns signed the X-man, does anyone think he has a chance to do anything in the NFL?

I think anyone that makes it to the NFL has the potential to do big things. I know that some don't but never count out any Vol that makes it! There are many players that are taken in the first and second rounds who don't even perform well at that level and free agents that you forget about because they didn't go in the draft that make it big as a free agent. If it's a Vol, I'm behind them no matter what happens. :thumbsup:
The same thing can be said for the rest of these players as well. They weren't drafted by any of 32 teams for a reason. Who was the last UT free agent signee to stick with an NFL team and actually see significant playing time?

Anthony Herrera (Played in all 16 games and started 12 for one of the best O-Lines in the NFL in 2007)

Jabari Greer (Started for Buffalo in 2007)

JJ McClesky (Laid Wood on Sundays)

Eric Parker

Tony McDaniel
I think anyone that makes it to the NFL has the potential to do big things. I know that some don't but never count out any Vol that makes it! There are many players that are taken in the first and second rounds who don't even perform well at that level and free agents that you forget about because they didn't go in the draft that make it big as a free agent. If it's a Vol, I'm behind them no matter what happens. :thumbsup:

...GO VOLS. This helps Tennessee across the board, so the more the merrier. Give a VOL a level playing field is all I ask for...the cream will come to the top.:salute:
The X-man will do great things in the League!

Congratulations Xavier!

Now, somebody grab that #93 jersey and make my username look good!
apparently he was hurt worse than we know and nobody is willing to give him a shot, not yet at least
:dance: Ashley Judd....I know she's a UK basketball nut, but thats the ONLY flaw she has......:drool: :naughty:

No, she likes all semi-successful Kentucky sports. So yeah, you're right... basketball. :p
JJ McClesky-Karns High-wow have not heard that name in a while. Was it the Cardinals he played for-special teams?? He did much better than I expected for his lack of size.

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