Friday Bishes

about to put in my personal performance review and ask for a raise.
No meeting. We have annual performance reviews around march/April. First step all employees submit their own review for managers. I' basically told my manager how awesome I am
One of the best managers I ever had told me that there was no way that he would remember my accomplishments, and so my job in these things was to jog his memory. It was like pulling out fingernails for me, but I did it. I hope you get your recognition in the spring!

Interesting to me, and I think ought to be interesting to men with working wives and daughters: It's pretty well documented that overall (certainly there are exceptions, and thank goodness they are increasing), women, especially Southern women, underplay their accomplishments, thinking that they are just doing their job, and that getting all floral in the descriptions is immodest bragging. It affects our pay and our promotions, and it's a big part of the gender gap in employment pay.

^^ I'm just noting this as a (to me) fascinating part of the differences between the sexes. Not getting political, so no one needs to get all snowflake-y about this! ❄️ $ ❄️ $ ❄️
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Jack add, I did that for you (sad I have to explain it) because everyone knows that dawg fans can’t spell, they’re too busy chasing their own tail, looking to see if there’s a full moon to howl to, barking at grown adults or sniffing each other’s butt to recognize someone. I know you’re just trying to get me to respond, I did because I’m bored. Kiss my ass (that’s the payoff for you). I’m not being mean. I see this more of a mouse and cat thingy. Never know when that mousetrap slams shut, ummm.
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Jack add, I did that for you (sad I have to explain it) because everyone knows that dawg fans can’t spell, they’re too busy chasing their own tail, looking to see if there’s a full moon to howl to, barking at grown adults or sniffing each other’s butt to recognize someone. I know you’re just trying to get me to respond, I did because I’m bored. Kiss my ass (that’s the payoff for you). I’m not being mean. I see this more of a mouse and cat thingy. Never know when that mousetrap slams shut, ummm.
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