Friday Bishes

High School Omg GIF by Max
I figured it out on my own, but To be fair it was stupid, but it was stupid enough a real IT person should have asked about it right after "did you restart?".
maybe put in a help desk ticket about your legos
i wouldn’t trust you to fix those correctly if you paid me to fix them.

As a kid I had the whole Lego city: fire station, police station, gas station (with parking garage), airport, space shuttle, utility service, race track, and I’m probably forgetting a few, along with a few houses I built totally on my own along with a bank I made. It was always a major disaster (airplane/shuttle crash, race car crash, etc) when I played with them. I destroyed the legos and constantly put them back together. I’m not that worried about them being broken, just mad the movers tried to hide them. I can put them back together just fine.
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