From the Onion? No, it's a serious editorial

It's not surprising at all that you would consider Obama "right of center" given that you'd eat the corn out of Castro's dung just to kiss the arse it came from.
Oh stop. He's changed my mind.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
It's not surprising at all that you would consider Obama "right of center" given that you'd eat the corn out of Castro's dung just to kiss the arse it came from.

First of all, gross.

Second of all, this is exactly the function Deepak serves; with this invocation to Obama, it lends credence to the notion that the very, very narrow political spectrum in US is actually the full range of political opinion and political options. He gives the notion that Obama is on the far left of the political spectrum, when in actually, he is right of center, and by some distance. Not as far and whacky as a lot of US politicos, but deep to the right nonetheless.

The disciplining of the educated, managerial class (namely, a fair portion of UT graduates) to accept this narrow spectrum and remain within its doctrinal limits is one of the great successes of bourgeois propaganda.

Note BPV for a classic example.
First of all, gross.

Second of all, this is exactly the function Deepak serves; with this invocation to Obama, it lends credence to the notion that the very, very narrow political spectrum in US is actually the full range of political opinion and political options. He gives the notion that Obama is on the far left of the political spectrum, when in actually, he is right of center, and by some distance. Not as far and whacky as a lot of US politicos, but deep to the right nonetheless.

The disciplining of the educated, managerial class (namely, a fair portion of UT graduates) to accept this narrow spectrum and remain within its doctrinal limits is one of the great successes of bourgeois propaganda.

Note BPV for a classic example.

you have got to be kidding. if you think obama is right of center, then you must think that pol pot, chavez and marx are centrist. that is hilarious:lolabove:
you have got to be kidding. if you think obama is right of center, then you must think that pol pot, chavez and marx are centrist. that is hilarious:lolabove:

Pol Pot was an authoritarian.

And let's look at the historical realities. When it comes to "liberal interventions" it would be hard to find a better case than taking out the Khmer Rouge over the last half century. It was left to the Vietnamese to do it, and who did US (Nixon / Ford) support in that intervention?

You guessed it. Think of the final refrain in the Dead Kennedy's "Holiday in Cambodia".
First of all, gross.

Second of all, this is exactly the function Deepak serves; with this invocation to Obama, it lends credence to the notion that the very, very narrow political spectrum in US is actually the full range of political opinion and political options. He gives the notion that Obama is on the far left of the political spectrum, when in actually, he is right of center, and by some distance. Not as far and whacky as a lot of US politicos, but deep to the right nonetheless.

The disciplining of the educated, managerial class (namely, a fair portion of UT graduates) to accept this narrow spectrum and remain within its doctrinal limits is one of the great successes of bourgeois propaganda.

Note BPV for a classic example.

I think your view of political center is a couple standard deviation off from reality.
we babysat our god-daughter a few weeks ago and she was addicted to the Backyardigans. Once you watch that his posts make so much more sense
I think your view of political center is a couple standard deviation off from reality.


And, as usual, I'm spot-on with the real world outside the back door. Obama is to the right of center. He is certainly not Grover Norquist, but he is certainly not Castro, Gorby, or Gandhi either. He is engaged in no less than two capitalist wars, he has genuflected with all deference to financial power, he has attacked labor, he has ignored the center to slightly left-of-center of his own party. Even his flagship health program was a sell-out to inefficient bourgeois interests.

Where is there any indication he is a Leftist at all?
we babysat our god-daughter a few weeks ago and she was addicted to the Backyardigans. Once you watch that his posts make so much more sense

Backyardigans are the bomb.

But, as above, I can't wait for y'all to come up with a lot of centrist positions (abortion, sexual orientation, etc) and tell me how far to the Left Obama is.

I think the Backyardigans is an apropos analogy. The gang go into their real back yard and then imagine themselves in some fantasy setting.

In other words, the adult life of most posters on the Politics forum. :)
Backyardigans are the bomb.

But, as above, I can't wait for y'all to come up with a lot of centrist positions (abortion, sexual orientation, etc) and tell me how far to the Left Obama is.

What are the "left positions," and why are you able to name so many "right of" people, but very, very, very few "left of."

I've seen, to count... 4 people that were "left of center" as you put it.

Me thinks that if billions are to the right, and a handful are to the left... that you are, indeed, several standard deviations off of center.
What are the "left positions," and why are you able to name so many "right of" people, but very, very, very few "left of."

I've seen, to count... 4 people that were "left of center" as you put it.

Me thinks that if billions are to the right, and a handful are to the left... that you are, indeed, several standard deviations off of center.

good point.

also, those on the right don't want universal healthcare and since they appear, at least in gibbs' world, to be the supermajority, he must face the real world outside his back door before he is taken behind the woodshed and forced to eat the kettle chips of capitalism.
good point.

also, those on the right don't want universal healthcare and since they appear, at least in gibbs' world, to be the supermajority, he must face the real world outside his back door before he is taken behind the woodshed and forced to eat the kettle chips of capitalism.

I sometimes picture Gibbs as stretching his arms out, and making L's with his hands... such that he can determine which direction is left or right.

Here is a hint, if your hand forms a proper L, that is the left...
Wow, when your spiritual guru starts channeling riffs from the bourgeoisie you know your world view is in Deepak trouble....

Let's make no mistake, Obama is far right of center. He represents the adult version of the bourgeoisie; Newt, Palin, and George Jr are faces of the kiddie version. That Deepak lends voice to the fantasy that Obama has freed us from our regimentation and the strict discipline accepted (and lines toed) by the educated, managerial class, that our politics is somehow now sane and humane is all part of the bourgeois conditioning program.

And deepakly divorced from the real world outside the back door.


We need more buzhwa references from people who don't know what it means.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Suggested questions for Obama:

Mr. President, how much of the strategic oil reserves you want released will go to gassing up Air Force One for the First Lady's vacations?

Would you consider Libya the mother of all sand traps?

We know the First Lady wants us to eat healthier so
there can be more of the good stuff for her, but will you
please assure your base there is no plan to regulate consumption of Kool-aid?

Were you for gay marriage before you were against it?
Because that seems a lot like wrapping the scarf before
popping the collar. So for clarity to the gay community,
and to paraphrase Lady were born which

Are you only mad that Republicans predictably call
your bluff because the Arab world does it so much?

Which parties do you want us to cover you attending
to mark the default on U.S. debt?

Do Democrats shun wearing the Christian cross because
they're vampires that suck on the blood of capitalism?

If you dumped Vice President Biden for a more
competent appearing Andrew Cuomo wouldn't that
constitute letting a crisis go to waste?

If polls show a generic Republican beating you, shouldn't
your main election strategy be to just switch parties?

Anyone ever see how a child behaves after learning a new word?
Posted via VolNation Mobile


Pol Pot was an authoritarian.

And let's look at the historical realities.

The UN wouldn't allow Cambodia membership under
the decent rule of Prince Sihanook for 35 years, when
Pol (crack)Pot and the Khmer Rouge took over the
UN almost immediately admitted Cambodia.

I suppose the French term 'rouge' was the overriding
factor, must have indicated he wasn't petite Boozhwah.

Gromyko and Hiss (a soviet agent) were the two main
theoritians behind the start of the UN Charter which is
a bit like rephrasing Marx.

The theortitian philosopher Marx has caused more
human suffering than any man in history with the
possible exception of Muhammed.

Marx wasn't very popular in his day, only six people
attended his funeral and his two surviving sons
each later committed suicide.

You might check and see about getting on some
anti-depressant medication, you worry me sometimes.

I sometimes picture Gibbs as stretching his arms out, and making L's with his hands... such that he can determine which direction is left or right.

Here is a hint, if your hand forms a proper L, that is the left...

Picture row boat with one oar.

"The argument that the two parties should represent
opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the
Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea
acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers.
Instead, the two parties should be almost identical,
so that the American people can throw the rascals
out at any election without leading to any profound
or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be
possible to replace it, every four years if necessary,
by the other party, which will be none of these
things but will still pursue, with new vigor,
approximately the same basic policies."
Quigley 1967

And, as usual, I'm spot-on with the real world outside the back door. Obama is to the right of center. He is certainly not Grover Norquist, but he is certainly not Castro, Gorby, or Gandhi either. He is engaged in no less than two capitalist wars, he has genuflected with all deference to financial power, he has attacked labor, he has ignored the center to slightly left-of-center of his own party. Even his flagship health program was a sell-out to inefficient bourgeois interests.

Where is there any indication he is a Leftist at all?

How we perceive the political spectrum:


How it should be perceived:

What are the "left positions," and why are you able to name so many "right of" people, but very, very, very few "left of."

I've seen, to count... 4 people that were "left of center" as you put it.

Me thinks that if billions are to the right, and a handful are to the left... that you are, indeed, several standard deviations off of center.

But that is, of course, where you are wrong.

Billions to the Left. A handful of wacky Right, and about 15% - the dedicated bourgeois believers.

It's the backyardigans fantasy world. Billions are to the Left. We've gone over the HUGE disconnect between actual US public opinion and the political options presented by the disciplined managers of corporate power.
Yeah, fl0at, it's been gone over. You're wrong. The ambassador of the backyard has spoken.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Yeah, fl0at, it's been gone over. You're wrong. The ambassador of the backyard has spoken.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I see words used to twist and convolute a sentence. I don't see examples.

I need examples. Examples of true left policy, examples of true left political ideology and examples of living true left individuals.

With billions to chose from, it shouldn't be hard to match the following "right of center" individuals, right Gibbs?

So, let's go with a 1:1 list. I'll list those I think you are pretty sure are "right" of center. You can add in, from the billions, individuals to match.


Possible Right of Center Individuals said:
Name District
Ackerman, Gary - New York 5th District
Adams, Sandy - Florida 24th District
Aderholt, Robert - Alabama 4th District
Akin, Todd - Missouri 2nd District
Alexander, Rodney - Louisiana 5th District
Altmire, Jason - Pennsylvania 4th District
Amash, Justin - Michigan 3rd District
Andrews, Robert E. - New Jersey 1st District
Austria, Steve - Ohio 7th District
Baca, Joe - California 43rd District
Bachmann, Michele - Minnesota 6th District
Bachus, Spencer - Alabama 6th District
Baldwin, Tammy - Wisconsin 2nd District
Barletta, Lou - Pennsylvania 11th District
Barrow, John - Georgia 12th District
Bartlett, Roscoe - Maryland 6th District
Barton, Joe - Texas 6th District
Bass, Charles - New Hampshire 2nd District
Bass, Karen - California 33rd District
Becerra, Xavier - California 31st District
Benishek, Dan - Michigan 1st District
Berg, Rick - North Dakota At-Large
Berkley, Shelley - Nevada 1st District
Berman, Howard - California 28th District
Biggert, Judy - Illinois 13th District
Bilbray, Brian P. - California 50th District
Bilirakis, Gus M. - Florida 9th District
Bishop Jr., Sanford D. - Georgia 2nd District
Bishop, Rob - Utah 1st District
Bishop, Timothy - New York 1st District
Black, Diane - Tennessee 6th District
Blackburn, Marsha - Tennessee 7th District
Blumenauer, Earl - Oregon 3rd District
Boehner, John A. - Ohio 8th District
Bonner, Jo - Alabama 1st District
Bono, Mary - California 45th District
Bordallo, Madeleine - Guam At-Large
Boren, Dan - Oklahoma 2nd District
Boswell, Leonard - Iowa 3rd District
Boustany Jr., Charles W. - Louisiana 7th District
Brady, Kevin - Texas 8th District
Brady, Robert - Pennsylvania 1st District
Braley, Bruce L. - Iowa 1st District
Brooks, Mo - Alabama 5th District
Broun, Paul C. - Georgia 10th District
Brown, Corrine - Florida 3rd District
Buchanan, Vern - Florida 13th District
Bucshon, Larry - Indiana 8th District
Buerkle, Ann Marie - New York 25th District
Burgess, Michael - Texas 26th District
Burton, Dan - Indiana 5th District
Butterfield, G.K. - North Carolina 1st District
Calvert, Ken - California 44th District
Camp, Dave - Michigan 4th District
Campbell, John - California 48th District
Canseco, Francisco - Texas 23rd District
Cantor, Eric - Virginia 7th District
Capito, Shelley Moore - West Virginia 2nd District
Capps, Lois - California 23rd District
Capuano, Michael E. - Massachusetts 8th District
Cardoza, Dennis - California 18th District
Carnahan, Russ - Missouri 3rd District
Carney, John - Delaware At-Large
Carson, André - Indiana 7th District
Carter, John - Texas 31st District
Cassidy, William - Louisiana 6th District
Castor, Kathy - Florida 11th District
Chabot, Steve - Ohio 1st District
Chaffetz, Jason - Utah 3rd District
Chandler, Ben - Kentucky 6th District
Christensen, Donna M., - Virgin Islands At-Large
Chu, Judy - California 32nd District
Cicilline, David - Rhode Island 1st District
Clarke, Hansen - Michigan 13th District
Clarke, Yvette D. - New York 11th District
Clay Jr., William "Lacy" - Missouri 1st District
Cleaver, Emanuel - Missouri 5th District
Clyburn, James E. - South Carolina 6th District
Coble, Howard - North Carolina 6th District
Coffman, Mike - Colorado 6th District
Cohen, Steve - Tennessee 9th District
Cole, Tom - Oklahoma 4th District
Conaway, K. Michael - Texas 11th District
Connolly, Gerald E. "Gerry" - Virginia 11th District
Conyers Jr., John - Michigan 14th District
Cooper, Jim - Tennessee 5th District
Costa, Jim - California 20th District
Costello, Jerry - Illinois 12th District
Courtney, Joe - Connecticut 2nd District
Cravaack, Chip - Minnesota 8th District
Crawford, Rick - Arkansas 1st District
Crenshaw, Ander - Florida 4th District
Critz, Mark - Pennsylvania 12th District
Crowley, Joseph - New York 7th District
Cuellar, Henry - Texas 28th District
Culberson, John - Texas 7th District
Cummings, Elijah - Maryland 7th District
Davis, Danny K. - Illinois 7th District
Davis, Geoff - Kentucky 4th District
Davis, Susan - California 53rd District
DeFazio, Peter - Oregon 4th District
DeGette, Diana - Colorado 1st District
DeLauro, Rosa L. - Connecticut 3rd District
Denham, Jeff - California 19th District
Dent, Charles W. - Pennsylvania 15th District
DesJarlais, Scott - Tennessee 4th District
Deutch, Ted - Florida 19th District
Diaz-Balart, Mario - Florida 21st District
Dicks, Norman D. - Washington 6th District
Dingell, John - Michigan 15th District
Doggett, Lloyd - Texas 25th District
Dold, Robert - Illinois 10th District
Donnelly, Joe - Indiana 2nd District
Doyle, Mike - Pennsylvania 14th District
Dreier, David - California 26th District
Duffy, Sean P. - Wisconsin 7th District
Duncan Jr., John J. - Tennessee 2nd District
Duncan, Jeff - South Carolina 3rd District
Edwards, Donna F. - Maryland 4th District
Ellison, Keith - Minnesota 5th District
Ellmers, Renee - North Carolina 2nd District
Emerson, Jo Ann - Missouri 8th District
Engel, Eliot - New York 17th District
Eshoo, Anna G. - California 14th District

Obviously, I might have grabbed a "left of center" or two, maybe you can let me know which ones are of the "billions."

If not, I can just go back in and put R or D next to them, and we can keep that system.

What ya think?

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