Actually, the article misquotes the QB. He didn't say he was God. He was asked who is the only coach who could field a team better than TN this year and of course his reply was...God.
They will gloss this over very soon because, after all, this is one of the three stooges Florida schools. The rules are different in Florida, remember?
They are now saying that the episode was not drug induced. If that's true then this kid has some serious issues.
As I stated in a similar thread, I think it's time for the jokes and laughing to die down as many come to the realization that this kid may have a real mental problem. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder both tend to appear in the teen to early-twenty years, and both are devastating to both an individual and his or her family. There are other possibilities such as strange metabolic or infectious causes, but all signs point to a psychiatric etiology as the most likely culprit.

If so, my thoughts and prayers go out to him and to those who are close to him.
Probably right Doc. We probably don't know half of this story.
Sad thing is that if it IS a mental disorder, there usually is no recovery. That's why I'll hold off on kidding around for now.

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