Fuad Reviez has telling quote about Dooley


Power T-Rev

Tennessee is bad for your health
Jan 16, 2011
I was listening to the call in show with Jimmy Hyams and Fuad Reveiz while making the drive down to Knoxville, and Fuad said something that made my jaw drop. He was making the comparison of Butch to Dooley in how the players play so hard for Butch when you compare to how they played for Dooley. The crazy part was when he talked about recruiting while Dooley was here. Fuad said he knew for a fact that our guys on the roster while Dooley was here, would honestly tell visiting recruits to look elsewhere and would ask them why they wanted to come to Tennessee to play for Dooley. Just shows you how little respect our players had for Dooley. Smh
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Dooley was a dumpster fire, and I know Reviez has a reason to hate him, but does he ever have a conversation without mentioning Dooley?
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I heard the same thing being said, very very telling of our last staff.
We went looking for a coach and hired a guy with a 13 and 17 record in division two. That took some imagination that he could lead an SEC program. It hurt the fans, the University, and Butch Jones is working double time now to rectify the damage that the guy done in his three seasons here.
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Dooley was a dumpster fire, and I know Reviez has a reason to hate him, but does he ever have a conversation without mentioning Dooley?

Funny thing is that last month, I heard a radio interview with one of the Dallas Cowboys. He was asked about Dooley and he said " Dooley is re-grouping and learning from his mistakes at Tennessee and is hoping to get another major college coaching job again"

Who in the world, other than Hamilton would hire him??? Especially not at a major college program. Maybe Nevada State or Mud State but not a major program.
Fuad has made it clear he has some serious hate for Dooley. As he should IMO

The animosity for dooley is well earned as our program is sill suffering as a result of his ineptitude. The UT administration should have fired hamilton and dooley, but hamilton was good at raising $$$$$. Who cares about winning!
I hate losing, but I wish the majority of our negative fan base could understand exactly what kind of shape we were in. Those calling constantly for Jones to go back to the big east east and such. (Saw the usuals last night) he not only took over a physically depleted team, but mentally depleted also thanks to that idiot Dooley. Yet despite the talent gap, or even the score, Butch has already changed the attitude here. These guys don't quit like they used to. Imagine with Dobbs the rest of this year, and the class next year! I can't wait for those saying he'll never win here to be praising how good he is in the next two years.
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If Fuad ever stops talking about Dooley he will have nothing to say. I've stopped listening to Fuad because I am done thinking about Dooley
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Players did not have to tell the recruits.. They just looked at Fooley and knew he was a zero

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