Fulmer on selection committee?

allow me to let you in on something that will serve you well in the future: I started off like this in much the same way. Sarcastic no matter what the topic and just being an overall jerk. What i have come to realize over the course of time on this board is that most of these posters on vn have come to be my friends even though i've never met a single one in person. We all love our vols though we may disagree from time to time. I still struggle with the urge to always be sarcastic and occasionally neative, but i would say i'm better than what i once was and i enjoy the board much much more because of it. Tifwiw.

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I think he would be one of the more unbiased coaches to put on the committee. But if it were a draw, he would go with the SEC team (except FL).
Phillip Fulmer is a HOF coach and he added to the Tennessee tradition, which is a heckuva lot more than you can say for the two that preceded the Jones hire.
I choose to remember all the good years of Phil's tenure b/c they out weighed the bad. It's sad to see the disrespect shown the guy on here at times. We now have a coach that seems to be dedicated to restoring the glory days, and fans have every reason to be optimistic. :twocents:
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I think he would be one of the more unbiased coaches to put on the committee. But if it were a draw, he would go with the SEC team (except FL).
He would be an SEC homer which is alright. Like a previous poster stated if it came down to it you know he would pick a 2 loss SEC team over a 1 loss ACC team. If the upcoming years turn out to be anything like it has been recently, a 2 loss SEC team is just about always going to be better than a one loss team from another conference.
He will have to "watch film" and "work like heck" in order to do a "wonnerful" job. But I can "gare-n-tee" the job he would do would be a "darn goodin"............................

For all the "heck" we give Fulmer, he is a football guy! He is a hall of fame coach and time past him by (no doubt)......But, he still has a place in the game and this would be a great fit for him. Or, an AD somewhere. I honestly feel this way.....
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I think his exact words were: "I would like to be a secret member of the selection committee."
He will have to "watch film" and "work like heck" in order to do a "wonnerful" job. But I can "gare-n-tee" the job he would do would be a "darn goodin"............................

For all the "heck" we give Fulmer, he is a football guy! He is a hall of fame coach and time past him by (no doubt)......But, he still has a place in the game and this would be a great fit for him. Or, an AD somewhere. I honestly feel this way.....

There is doubt.
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