Enough of this BS already. LG, and anyone else that watched the game knows, FU is not as good as advertised, and neither are we. In one of the biggest games of each of our season, neither played very well. We simply got our tails handed to us in the trenches, like Fulmer said. The play calling was fine, everyone of us know, to win this game, we had to eventually get some kind of run established to get the heat off of Ainge, look back at the last few series when under pressure, intentional grounding, "slinging" the ball out for anyone to catch, bring back memories? Now what happens if we give up the run, Florida keeps sending the pressure, and Ainge tosses one out there to keep from getting sacked and is intercepted and ran back for a TD, then Ainge confidence takes a dive, fans, (many of you here) begin the "Start Crompton" chant. Our O-line, after kicking Cal, supposedly one of the best D-lines in the country, all over the field, just didnt get it done, could be the FU D- line is better than we thought, but I dont think so. Still, as bad as we played, we had many opportunities to win this game. How many games have we won when we werent the best team on the field, at least 2 I can think of, LSU last year, Miami year before. Anyway, we are 2-1, Marshall is coming to Knoxville, and if Florida is as good as ESPN says they are, we should be fine for the rest of our games.