Fulmer recent comments in the Tennessean

(hohenfelsvol @ Jun 2 said:
Fulmer saying all the things people want to read or hear:
1. Going to get better.
2. Finally made changes to staff.
3. Not much time to do it.
4. Kids gotta stay clean, but mainly practice.

LawGator is right. Nothing new. Canned responses to the media.

Doesn't happen often. Just so many folks waiting for some kernel of optimism from the team's coach. It happens in Gainesville, too. Meyer could say to a newspaper reporter that he looks forward to the offensive line improving at fall practice and you'd find people posting that they read into it that Meyer thinks the line IS improving.

One of the oldest psychological games we play with outselves. We fans have a narrative in our head about how great things are and we elevate any hint that the team is doing well to gospel, screening out any suggestion that things are not going well. As I say, Gators, Vols, Tide fans, Sooners, Trojans. Doesn't matter. We all do it.

(lawgator1 @ Jun 2 said:
Doesn't happen often. Just so many folks waiting for some kernel of optimism from the team's coach. It happens in Gainesville, too. Meyer could say to a newspaper reporter that he looks forward to the offensive line improving at fall practice and you'd find people posting that they read into it that Meyer thinks the line IS improving.

One of the oldest psychological games we play with outselves. We fans have a narrative in our head about how great things are and we elevate any hint that the team is doing well to gospel, screening out any suggestion that things are not going well. As I say, Gators, Vols, Tide fans, Sooners, Trojans. Doesn't matter. We all do it.

you are correct
i do it all the time with myself even... if i'm having a bad day hitting i'll hit one good and it'll get caught and i'll be like "well hey, their centerfielder wouldn't have caught that"...
perfectly understandable that as fans we look for best case scenario all the time
(Rocky Top NCDB @ Jun 2 said:
you are correct
i do it all the time with myself even... if i'm having a bad day hitting i'll hit one good and it'll get caught and i'll be like "well hey, their centerfielder wouldn't have caught that"...
perfectly understandable that as fans we look for best case scenario all the time

Yep. But I will say that the tide can turn in an instant. Folks in Gainesville decided at some point that Ron Zook sucked. And anything the Gators did well the fans screened out and told themselves it was luck or left over from Spurrier. Anything bad that happened, well, that was all Zook's fault.

The tipping point, so to speak, is hard to pinpoint. But I'd say that Fulmer is getting close to it. Right now seems like 70 % of the usual suspects on here support him and the team. But a bad start to '06 and that number could drop to 10 %, with everyone blaming Fulmer for all the ills of the world. Iraq? Damn Fulmer's fault. Iran nuclear weapons? Fulmer not getting on the players again. Hurricane destruction? Fulmer's lack of discipline.

(lawgator1 @ Jun 2 said:
everyone blaming Fulmer for all the ills of the world. Iraq? Damn Fulmer's fault. Iran nuclear weapons? Fulmer not getting on the players again. Hurricane destruction? Fulmer's lack of discipline.

:lolabove: It does seem that way sometimes.

I agree that a bad start will turn many a Vol. What's the number? Hard to say right now. For me, anything less than 4-1, then 6-2, and no more than 3 losses at season's end, WITH a bowl victory.
(lawgator1 @ Jun 2 said:
One of the oldest psychological games we play with outselves. We fans have a narrative in our head about how great things are and we elevate any hint that the team is doing well to gospel, screening out any suggestion that things are not going well. As I say, Gators, Vols, Tide fans, Sooners, Trojans. Doesn't matter. We all do it.

The one that I always love is when fans say that the offense (or defense) is going to be great this year because they shredded the team's other squad in Spring practice. They are, of course, ignoring the other scenario that their offense could just be mediocre and their defense could be atrocious. You can't really tell how good a team's offense and defense are going to be until they line up and play against another team.
(lawgator1 @ Jun 1 said:
Sorry, but I am struggling to see the "news" here. Fulmer says last year sucked and they want to do better.


Its just the usual coach speak. Nothing interesting at all.
thats what i was thinking
[attachmentid=5340]Well, at least we can be encouraged by Phil's recent weight loss, as proof that he is indeed trying to turn things around....


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(hohenfelsvol @ Jun 2 said:
LawGator is right. Nothing new. Canned responses to the media.

Fulmer is worse then most about being tight-lipped with the media. Spurrier is pretty candid by comparison. Everytime I hear "work like heck to get better" I cringe. Someone needs to make a big sign with that on it and bring it to a game, so maybe Fulmer will get the point.

Yeah. Every time I see some article with Fulmer comments, I avoid it knowing all the non-information I'd be subjected to if I read it. I can't stand coach speak. Fulmer has the media savvy of a brick.
(milohimself @ Jun 3 said:
Fulmer has the media savvy of a brick.

I don't think many people would argue with you about that. But honestly, there aren't too many coaches in America that make for a compelling interview. When's the last time you heard a coach say something really unexpected?
(GAVol @ Jun 4 said:
I don't think many people would argue with you about that. But honestly, there aren't too many coaches in America that make for a compelling interview. When's the last time you heard a coach say something really unexpected?
Spurrier is always good for a surprise or two.
(lawgator1 @ Jun 2 said:
with everyone blaming Fulmer for all the ills of the world. Iraq? Damn Fulmer's fault. Iran nuclear weapons? Fulmer not getting on the players again. Hurricane destruction? Fulmer's lack of discipline.

I only blame him for the 5-6 record last year and getting his position in the first place by knifing his boss in the back. :banghead: He had nothing to do with Iraq, Iran or the hurricane. (They were the Democrats' fault).
(GAVol @ Jun 3 said:
I don't think many people would argue with you about that. But honestly, there aren't too many coaches in America that make for a compelling interview. When's the last time you heard a coach say something really unexpected?
There aren't many coaches I go out of my way to read/hear/see their comments. But at least most are capable of making a decent comment or two, giving you at least some small stretch of insight into the happenings of his team. Fulmer gives you jack. "We'll keep working hard and hope the breaks come our way." is about all you get out of him.
"Sometimes change is good," Fulmer said. "A couple of them should have been made a couple years before that, but that's hard because you're just coming off an Eastern Division championship and some good years."

Even in good years, you assess areas you were weak in and address them. That is how you avoid going 5-6. Offensive production has been down for years. Receivers have been dropping passes and running poor routes for some time. The line play has been lacking for a while, especially when compared to pre-2000. If those areas had been addressed sooner, then we might have actually won a championship instead of "competing for one". That's the difference between guys like Saban and Spurrier and Fulmer.

"But getting to where we got to, we were patching it in some ways and should have made some changes before that. I was talked out of it, actually. But ultimately, it's all my responsibility."

I love it how this guys "takes responsibility" all the while blaming someone else. Conditional responsibility.

Fulmer is 1-4 against Richt and lost to Meyer last season in their first meeting. Since 2000, Fulmer is just 2-8 against SEC heavyweights Steve Spurrier, Tommy Tuberville and Richt.

Anyone care to defend 2-8?

"Last year, we weren't able to make those plays to win the close games. We've got to find a way to make them, and we will."

Again, putting the blame somewhere other than yourself. You play like you practice, coach. Somewhere in your bag of worn-out coach phrases, you have to have that one tucked away.

"If it takes a year or if it takes two years or whatever it takes, Tennessee football is going to be right back in the middle of things," Fulmer said. "It always has been and always will be."

However long it takes. So comforting. Thanks. And what the hell is "right back in the middle of things'? Is that the same thing as "in the hunt and in the mix"?

"I know it sounds like I'm asking for two or three years to get it turned around," he said. "That's not what I'm saying. We're expecting to compete for the championship next year, and we'll see how long it takes.

This guy talks out both sides of his mouth. He says he isn't asking for two or three years to turn it around and that he expects to compete for the championship next year, then he turns around and says "we'll see how long it takes." Does that mean we will see how long into the season we are competing for the championship? Even Vandy "competes for the championship" the first game or two into the season.

"I know it's going to take a lot of hard work. Whether it takes one year or two years, we're absolutely going to get done."

Again, double talk. Again, the players are in place to have a good season. By good I mean not only 9-3 or better, but see some of these problems that have been nagging us for years finally fixed. It shouldn't take 2 years to turn this thing around.

One thing I cannot stand about Fulmer is this passive attitude of his, like he is letting life happen to him. Nothing is ever really his fault. Even though he claims to take responsibility, it is always conditional and has an excuse attached to it. He allowed 5-6 to happen last year because he refused to stand up, take charge, and address glaring problems we were having in the so-called good years. An embarrassing beating at the hands of Auburn isn't enough to get his attention apparently. He has to be in fear of losing his job before something gets done.

Sad thing is, I am not seeing anything new or changed about him in what he is saying.
Jason, very good work. I will even reward it.

You have just been hired as the new SPEACHWRITER for the Fulmer Administration.

While I'm at work today, I want you to write Fulmer's words for him. I want to see what YOU would have HIM say. Feel free to use any questions that a REAL reporter has asked him, or any REAL LIFE situations, (such as after the Auburn Game in 04).

I think we all would be very interested in seeing just what it is, that you want him to say in these situations. I look forward to some very interesting comments.

(OrangeSquare @ Jun 4 said:
Jason, very good work. I will even reward it.

You have just been hired as the new SPEACHWRITER for the Fulmer Administration.

While I'm at work today, I want you to write Fulmer's words for him. I want to see what YOU would have HIM say. Feel free to use any questions that a REAL reporter has asked him, or any REAL LIFE situations, (such as after the Auburn Game in 04).

I think we all would be very interested in seeing just what it is, that you want him to say in these situations. I look forward to some very interesting comments.


I'll do it for you JC. Here goes: We did so well this spring, I just want to get the players together and hug their necks.
(OrangeSquare @ Jun 4 said:
Jason, very good work. I will even reward it.

You have just been hired as the new SPEACHWRITER for the Fulmer Administration.

While I'm at work today, I want you to write Fulmer's words for him. I want to see what YOU would have HIM say. Feel free to use any questions that a REAL reporter has asked him, or any REAL LIFE situations, (such as after the Auburn Game in 04).

I think we all would be very interested in seeing just what it is, that you want him to say in these situations. I look forward to some very interesting comments.


That job would be worse than writing speeches for the Bush administration. But I would tell you what I would like him to say. I would like him to admit he hung onto these guys too long, and not make any excuses about it such as "I was talked into keeping them." By god, you are the Head Football Coach, you get paid $2 million a year to make big boy decisions, make them. Secondly, I don't want to hear about competing for championships when you haven't won one in 7 years. Everybody "competes" for championships at some point in the season.
(Lexvol @ Jun 4 said:
I'll do it for you JC. Here goes: We did so well this spring, I just want to get the players together and hug their necks.

Hey, that works. Group hugs all around would make everyone feel better and make our team play better.
How about anything that will attract attention? That's what this program needs. And you can get that by having 1. championships and 2. a coach that doesn't put you to sleep. If there's anything the Vols need to survive, it's out of state recruiting. No publicity, nobody outside the immediate vicinity of east Tennessee will care about the team.
What a disapointment Jason. The way you attempted to pick every sentence of his apart, I expected you to actually take the time to type out what you wanted him to say.

You are really spliting hairs if you want him to say what he said, which is he kept them to long, and fault him for telling the truth, in that he was talked out of it. It's not an excuse if it doesn't take blame away. Regardless why he kept them, he acknowledged he kept them too long. Saying he was talked out of it earlier only makes it worse. Excuses don't make situations worse.

You're so negative about him, you can't even see that.
(OrangeSquare @ Jun 4 said:
What a disapointment Jason. The way you attempted to pick every sentence of his apart, I expected you to actually take the time to type out what you wanted him to say.

You are really spliting hairs if you want him to say what he said, which is he kept them to long, and fault him for telling the truth, in that he was talked out of it. It's not an excuse if it doesn't take blame away. Regardless why he kept them, he acknowledged he kept them too long. Saying he was talked out of it earlier only makes it worse. Excuses don't make situations worse.

You're so negative about him, you can't even see that.

Cause I have something called a life and other things to do besides sit in front of a keyboard 24/7. How about I want him to do something else besides come out with excuses? Accept responsibility. Real responsibility, not this half-butt conditional responsibility.

Excuses do make things worse. A person who is constantly making excuses fools themselves into believing that they are doing nothing wrong.

I'm not negative about him, I am just tired of the milly mouthed, woe is me, I'm having the worst luck in the world, excuse-laden statements he makes. Remember when Fulmer promised to take us to the next level? I do. I'd like to have that Fulmer back. I don't know what the hell we have now when just "competing" seems to be enough.

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