"Sometimes change is good," Fulmer said. "A couple of them should have been made a couple years before that, but that's hard because you're just coming off an Eastern Division championship and some good years."
Even in good years, you assess areas you were weak in and address them. That is how you avoid going 5-6. Offensive production has been down for years. Receivers have been dropping passes and running poor routes for some time. The line play has been lacking for a while, especially when compared to pre-2000. If those areas had been addressed sooner, then we might have actually won a championship instead of "competing for one". That's the difference between guys like Saban and Spurrier and Fulmer.
"But getting to where we got to, we were patching it in some ways and should have made some changes before that. I was talked out of it, actually. But ultimately, it's all my responsibility."
I love it how this guys "takes responsibility" all the while blaming someone else. Conditional responsibility.
Fulmer is 1-4 against Richt and lost to Meyer last season in their first meeting. Since 2000, Fulmer is just 2-8 against SEC heavyweights Steve Spurrier, Tommy Tuberville and Richt.
Anyone care to defend 2-8?
"Last year, we weren't able to make those plays to win the close games. We've got to find a way to make them, and we will."
Again, putting the blame somewhere other than yourself. You play like you practice, coach. Somewhere in your bag of worn-out coach phrases, you have to have that one tucked away.
"If it takes a year or if it takes two years or whatever it takes, Tennessee football is going to be right back in the middle of things," Fulmer said. "It always has been and always will be."
However long it takes. So comforting. Thanks. And what the hell is "right back in the middle of things'? Is that the same thing as "in the hunt and in the mix"?
"I know it sounds like I'm asking for two or three years to get it turned around," he said. "That's not what I'm saying. We're expecting to compete for the championship next year, and we'll see how long it takes.
This guy talks out both sides of his mouth. He says he isn't asking for two or three years to turn it around and that he expects to compete for the championship next year, then he turns around and says "we'll see how long it takes." Does that mean we will see how long into the season we are competing for the championship? Even Vandy "competes for the championship" the first game or two into the season.
"I know it's going to take a lot of hard work. Whether it takes one year or two years, we're absolutely going to get done."
Again, double talk. Again, the players are in place to have a good season. By good I mean not only 9-3 or better, but see some of these problems that have been nagging us for years finally fixed. It shouldn't take 2 years to turn this thing around.
One thing I cannot stand about Fulmer is this passive attitude of his, like he is letting life happen to him. Nothing is ever really his fault. Even though he claims to take responsibility, it is always conditional and has an excuse attached to it. He allowed 5-6 to happen last year because he refused to stand up, take charge, and address glaring problems we were having in the so-called good years. An embarrassing beating at the hands of Auburn isn't enough to get his attention apparently. He has to be in fear of losing his job before something gets done.
Sad thing is, I am not seeing anything new or changed about him in what he is saying.