Overlooked is how smart Saban is and his influence at Bam-Bam. Prior to leaving, he will institute a blueprint for continuation of Bam's success policies, for wont of a better term. How recruiting is done, how the team is managed, the role of administration to advocate those continuing policies, the coaching procedure and player management, and so forth. You can smell some of this already, and as I said, Saban is a smart cookie.
OK, so what will he get out of all this after he takes his millionaires and spend the remainder of his life fishing and being a speaker now and then. He will achieve a level of deification at Bam-Bam and the state beyond anything ever accorded Bear Bryant. In essence, he will be their coach in perpetuity, long after he retires, dies, and soil-shelved. He knows it, and boy! What a way to go! You have no idea how smart that man is. Wish we had something like him at the UT.