Right on, Larkin. But, to say that tents and grills will no longer be allowed in the garage, when people have been paying thousands of dollars for years to set up the very same tailgating spreads for those years, is NOT the solution. The problem up top had NOTHING to do with tents, grills, or even taking up an extra space. The problem was mass gatherings that bordered on riots, with most of the people involved not even having passes for the lots. For example, there was a particular fraternity that was climbing on top of cars and had probably 50+ people who were, uh, a bit overserved, obnoxious, and out of hand.
As to the "20 minutes before gametime" being an exagerration: as the holder of a spot in G-10, I can assure you that FOR EVERY GAME, it is not overstated. In fact, there are still people trying to roll in, onto the top, all the way until kickoff.
On a side note: the entire top level was virtually empty today -- to the point that we could have played a full 6-on-6 game without endangering a single car. There were probably at LEAST 30 cops in the garage, being VERY visible and badgering tailgaters to move stuff around.
Larkin, this really has nothing to do with whining after a loss. I can eat the loss. Really, I've accepted that we deserved it. I know this was a rainy, non-impact game, but the impact of this move (if continued to be enforced) will be huge. Worst tailgating atmosphere in the garage in 3 years, today.