Thought Morris was done after announcing? Shocked, not really. Anytime a handler is involved, he always pins information against the other. Notice a trend???
Good news/bad news/ good....
Who do you think is putting out the info? To be blunt, probably false info as well to squeeze both programs. Yall love Watson yet?
You dont tell a top 50 prospect at our biggest position of need that we are moving on. Ever
I know but you can put pressure not to take that visit IF he tells you he is coming. Its just a lose lose with Auburn. If he visits there, he will go there. Hope I am wrong but lately it happens every time with them.
I know but you can put pressure not to take that visit IF he tells you he is coming. Its just a lose lose with Auburn. If he visits there, he will go there. Hope I am wrong but lately it happens every time with them.