Checklist of what I'll look for tomorrow night:
1) Do the returners look stronger, faster, quicker, or improved in skills like ball handling, rebounding, shooting, etc.
2) Do the freshmen look like they belong in the college game? How will CKH use each of them? Are any of them likely to start of be major contibutors early in the season?
3) Is Coach Harper going to change her approach this year in either oiffense or defensive way of playing? For example, Barnes exhibiition game showed he is emphasizing 3 pt shooting and paint points, and discounting mid range shots.
4) How does our individual and team defense look?
5) How well has the team gelled on offense? Are we really going to be a better three point shooting team as hoped?
6) We have a lot more speed this year with Wynn, MIles, and Dye, and if injuries for some returners are healed. How will Kellie take advantage of that?