Amazing to think she's been on top several years now and still this team has no offensive ability nor have they brought on another staff member with a mind for offensive game planning.
Watching the halftime segment on Pat and seeing her get in the players' faces. Holly would never do that. The players might get mad at her and not be her besties.
Holly isn't Pat. She can't coach the way Pat did... she can only coach the way she coaches. It just sucks that her "coaching" is nonexistent. I can't stand her body language. She always has her arms crossed or her hands in her hips. Very negative.
Unnecessary dribbling, passes with no purpose, very little movement on offense, ill advised shots, slow defensively, etc. Tell me again how this is not due to coaching. Watch how none of these is a problem with a well coached team.
I think we got four players that could keep us in the game Russell, Diamond, Reynolds, and Nared. We need that fifth spot to go to Nunn. After that were hurting for a sub.
Any one who watched this 1st half abortion and knows anything about basketball does not have to say a word about the lack of coaching because it has been on full display for the whole country to see.....just as it has been for the last 3 years.