Another thing Pat did was reward players who showed her the most in practice. Why nobody ever can ever look at that as the motivation behind who Holly plays is beyond me.
The reality is that Pat started to do many of the same things Holly does now in the later years, especially when freshmen dominated the lineup in 2008/09, in regards to having them play through mistakes.
Holly mentioned in her post game interview she decided to not take timeouts to see how the girls responded. This is something I see a lot of coaches do early on in the season. My dad had a conversation with Coach K from Duke once about this regarding different techniques he uses early on in the season to help younger players grow mentally. Our girls responded well and didn't fold. They worked through their struggles on offense and held strong on defense enough to win.
Holly doesn't need to be exactly like Pat to succeed. She needs to make improvements, we all know this, and time is not on her side if results are not seen by the end of this season or next. But in the little I've seen so far this season I've found far more points of encouragement than not.
And regarding making them sit and watch to learn, who in the hell is going to take their place? Depth isn't a huge asset for us and hasn't been the last two years. Pat's best teams were always known for having incredible depth, which allowed her to bench AA quality players when they weren't playing up to her standards. Holly does not have that luxury.
Simplistic harsh statements with some truth/reality sound great but don't necessarily always provide an honest assessment.