Gameday Haircut (Round II)


Haha, I think some of you guys may be overreacting just a bit.
Nothing wrong with it. Dogs get shaved all the time in summer.. If your gonna completely shave him. Why not do something for game. IMO a power t woulda been enough. But some of y'all are acting like he's water boarding his dog. The dog doesn't look mistreated. Def hasn't missed any meals.
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That looks ridiculous but I don't see why everyone is in a tizzy.

You think the dog gives a crap what it's fur looks like?
what if the dog actually likes to be groomed? A bad haircut isn't animal cruelty.

My dog has very short hair, but if you get a comb out it whines and gets you to comb her head.

Lol, I have no idea why she likes it so much. But the point is, some dogs love getting hair cuts and groomed.
I guess putting a jersey or some other sort of fanfare on the dog is too mainstream.
sounds like he needs to get rid of the wife first off...secondly a dog outfit would of done,but since its done now hat off to your brother on the time it took...GO VOLS!!

P.S. for you guys who are saying people are overreacting, you have to remember our fan base loves and supports a dog aka "Smokey"
I just feel bad for the dogs. They look like you took them out to the shed and beat them (Granted my dog looks that way when I put her UT cheerleader outfit on)

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