Gender ratio of VN fans?

What's the ratio of men to women on this board?

  • I am a man.

    Votes: 321 90.7%
  • I am a woman.

    Votes: 16 4.5%
  • My gender perception doesn't fit those categories.

    Votes: 19 5.4%

  • Total voters
Sep 6, 2015
I have often been curious about how many men versus women we have on Vol Nation. Some have obvious female user names like Vollygirl and Proud Army Wife. And I always assume that some of the more sketchy avatars of scantily clad girls come from men. But in these days, nothing can be assumed. Let's take a poll and find out! (My cards on the table: I am a man. Post your gender if you wish. However, the poll is anonymous.)
It's an interesting question. Not sure you'll get enough of a response to have any confidence in the tally, but it is an interesting question.

I've always had the impression the ratio is something like 5 to 1, somewhere in that neighborhood. Could be totally wrong.

Go Vols!
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It's an interesting question. Not sure you'll get enough of a response to have any confidence in the tally, but it is an interesting question.

I've always had the impression the ratio is something like 5 to 1, somewhere in that neighborhood. Could be totally wrong.

Go Vols!
I'd guess more like 20:1.
It is an interesting question but I agree probably can’t come up with enough to get an accurate result . Like me , there’s no way I’m telling anybody on here I’m a guy and I doubt my wife , son , daughter , or brother would either . 😊
It's an interesting question. Not sure you'll get enough of a response to have any confidence in the tally, but it is an interesting question.

I've always had the impression the ratio is something like 5 to 1, somewhere in that neighborhood. Could be totally wrong.

Go Vols!

Well, I did make the poll anonymous so that anyone can vote without revealing any identifiers about themselves. Hopefully we get enough response to feel that it's a decent representative sample. But yeah, this is no scientific data here. :)
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I think you are asking what sex members are. Gender and sex are not necessarily the same thing. Sex is based on the equipment you are born with. Gender, sometimes, is not. A good example is the old saying "the wife wears the pants in that house."
Do the posters that start threads about cancelling the Bama game count as women? Would our resident female posted even claim them?
maybe we should just consider postponing it for a couple decades.. after Saban retires in 2040
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