Gender ratio of VN fans?

What's the ratio of men to women on this board?

  • I am a man.

    Votes: 321 90.7%
  • I am a woman.

    Votes: 16 4.5%
  • My gender perception doesn't fit those categories.

    Votes: 19 5.4%

  • Total voters
My wife has referred to you all as my internet girlfriend for over a decade.
I've shared this story elsewhere. When we had went to San Antonio to watch my oldest daughter graduate basics from the Air Force, @vollygirl had recommended a restaurant. My mom and aunt had rode with me, my wife, and two youngest girls. After we got checked into our hotel, I was telling everyone we had to go eat at this place Vollygirl had suggested, we were outside. My mom asked who Vollygirl was, and without hesitation my wife responded, "one of his Volnation girlfriends". The look I got from my mom, aunt, kids, and two women standing nearby was priceless 🤣. My wife knows I spend time on here, and have made friends with several that text, on Facebook, and we recently got to meet Vollygirl and her husband. I love this place.
I was going to answer the poll question until I saw the option to somehow change your gender. Forget it now. Those type of options belong on the Florida forums.

In the cyber-world you can be whoever or whatever you choose, demand affirmation, and block or cancel anyone who questions or resists.

But walking-around-reality is not so easily ignored.
Was kinda hoping Option 3 might be:
"Single women, age 50-65, who love Jesus and enjoy witty conversation, classic movies, and snuggling in Tennessee while thinking about late night walks on the beach."​

But, yeah, I can see where "My gender perception doesn't fit those categories" would get more responses.

Sadly, it has in my experience.
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I'd like to sit by the cute little blond I sat by at the BYU game. She had THE cutest UT cowgirl boots on. Kinda resembled Carrie Underwood.
my wife and I sat on the visitors side,, we bought our tickets late .. had a woman beside us that had to be easily 250-275 and around 4 feet tall it was a very bad time,, she complained the whole time.. I was scared if she fell ..alot of people could have been hurt..

Naw, it doesn't say anything about anyone being able to change their gender. It talks about people who (mis?)perceive their gender in relation to two binary options, which I believe are fixed and unchangeable. In fact, I suspect that maybe I actually believe things pretty close to you, basspond. But I wanted the poll to reflect who is on VN. Right now, 18 people say they fit that third category. Alright, so be it. The poll wasn't meant to make pronouncements about gender or sex but to poll what people here believe.
Was kinda hoping Option 3 might be:
"Single women, age 50-65, who love Jesus and enjoy witty conversation, classic movies, and snuggling in Tennessee while thinking about late night walks on the beach."​

But, yeah, I can see where "My gender perception doesn't fit those categories" would get more responses.

It has in my experience.
I hope you're a lesbian because that sounded like it was written by a female.

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