General commander of the Iranian army: It will take us 11 days "to wipe Israel out of

As an aside -- and I was going to make this its own thread but decided against it -- I hear Glenn Beck this morning talking about N Korea getting Nukes and how now Japan will feel the need to do it.

Then he also said that Pakistan will also develop them.

Frickin' dough boy, doofus hipster, idiot.

What? :ermm:
Don't forget that Israel is well stocked with neutron bomb technology. Sam Cohen's brainchild is the perfect last ditch defense since relatively small explosions (it's a myth that there isn't a "real" explosion with neutron bombs) could cause great carnage to a massed attack force (like tank columns with infantry support) and do so without long term radiation issues. It's the kind of thing you can even deploy on your own soil. Why wouldn't they use it?

I believe there is a thread somewhere in VN devoted solely on this topic. If not, there needs to be.
I believe israel is a leader in harp technology if i'm not mistaken. Iran wouldn't know what hit them.
Look it up, they use sound waves to flatten stuff. Works pretty well.
Wikipedia and GOOGLE aren't giving me much. But sounds like some Walls of Jericho/Ella Fitzgerald glass breaking stuff. Must be using resonant frequencies to shake walls/structures down.
Just thinking about the possibility of this so-called HARP technology. What would stop a country from using this at the weakest areas of a major fault line in a country like Iran and causing a major earthquake?
Just thinking about the possibility of this so-called HARP technology. What would stop a country from using this at the weakest areas of a major fault line in a country like Iran and causing a major earthquake?
Possible i guess, there are a lot of things they have we don't know much about. I've been told they can even control weather patterns with it. I don't know how much truth there is to it though. The technology is there and you used to be able to pull up one website that explained some of it. I guess its not there anymore. The government probably shut them up.
Methinks a small, localized detonation of downtown Jerusalem, taking out certain religious sites, will probably solve more problems than it"Nobody get it, everybody loses".
Do you really think they would destroy the old city?

I have read and heard about all the conspiracies about the underground tunnels and such under the temple mount....... but do you think it is plausible?
Do you really think they would destroy the old city?

I have read and heard about all the conspiracies about the underground tunnels and such under the temple mount....... but do you think it is plausible?

it would be insane if it is possible,

i wonder how many end of the world nut jobs would come out of the woodworking? Im saying more then the Y2K loons

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