General Flynn completely exonerated

I'm curious, is there any truth they were threatening to go after his son?

I have no idea. Again, I can’t imagine that someone who has spent his entire career in the military would fall for the whole coercion thing. Some douche like me? Yeah I’d probably cave but not without putting up a fight. To cave twice is just odd.
Attorney fees have. My father was military, we were far from rich, actually we were closer to poor.
I have no idea. Again, I can’t imagine that someone who has spent his entire career in the military would fall for the whole coercion thing. Some douche like me? Yeah I’d probably cave but not without putting up a fight. To cave twice is just odd.
General or not, people will do just about anything for the welfare of their children. So yeah, I can understand coercion if they were indeed threatening to charge his son. I know the way to get to me would be threatening one of my loved ones because I put their welfare far above my own.
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General or not, people will do just about anything for the welfare of their children. So yeah, I can understand coercion if they were indeed threatening to charge his son. I know the way to get to me would be threatening one of my loved ones because I put their welfare far above my own.
All very true and I agree. I just have a hard time imagining that if any of this were true, he would have dropped that bomb by now, considering how politicized this has become. He could bring down a hell storm but nothing has been corroborated yet. Doesn’t make sense.
All very true and I agree. I just have a hard time imagining that if any of this were true, he would have dropped that bomb by now, considering how politicized this has become. He could bring down a hell storm but nothing has been corroborated yet. Doesn’t make sense.
Flynn and his son were business partners in a corporation. There is plenty out in the MSM about gov threatening to expand the scope into those business dealings and Flynn’s business partner(s) but they stop short of mentioning that the partner was his son. That is the not so veiled threat.
I have no idea. Again, I can’t imagine that someone who has spent his entire career in the military would fall for the whole coercion thing. Some douche like me? Yeah I’d probably cave but not without putting up a fight. To cave twice is just odd.

Your lose your military pension if you imprisoned over 60 days.
All very true and I agree. I just have a hard time imagining that if any of this were true, he would have dropped that bomb by now, considering how politicized this has become. He could bring down a hell storm but nothing has been corroborated yet. Doesn’t make sense.

Do you honestly think the media would give him a fair shake considering his ties to Trump? I know people love to deny it, but so much of the MSM is liberally biased. It's never more evident than when you compare coverage between someone like Hillary being investigated to someone like Flynn being investigated. They're not going to paint Flynn as a sympathetic character. Honestly, politics has no place in journalism, which is why I often say true journalism is dead. Be it Fox with their right wing slant, or CNN and MSNBC with their left wing slant, today's media is narrative driven, not fact driven. And the narrative is that anyone and everyone associated with Trump is crooked in some way.
That’s bull ****. Is this post discharge also? If you served and received an honorable discharge then that’s all the gov needs to know.

It is ******** but I believe that’s the rules.

Hey plead guilty to this minor charge and serve no time or we completely bankrupt you, charge your son and if you are convicted lose your pension.
Do you honestly think the media would give him a fair shake considering his ties to Trump? I know people love to deny it, but so much of the MSM is liberally biased. It's never more evident than when you compare coverage between someone like Hillary being investigated to someone like Flynn being investigated. They're not going to paint Flynn as a sympathetic character. Honestly, politics has no place in journalism, which is why I often say true journalism is dead. Be it Fox with their right wing slant, or CNN and MSNBC with their left wing slant, today's media is narrative driven, not fact driven. And the narrative is that anyone and everyone associated with Trump is crooked in some way.
One of the main reasons, if not THE REASON, Trump is viewed unfavorably by everyone but Fox is because he lies right through his teeth ALL THE F'ING TIME! LOL. He's been doing it the entire time he has been in office. There has to be some accountability for someone who repeatedly makes false claims and routinely tells blatant lies
One of the main reasons, if not THE REASON, Trump is viewed unfavorably by everyone but Fox is because he lies right through his teeth ALL THE F'ING TIME! LOL. He's been doing it the entire time he has been in office. There has to be some accountability for someone who repeatedly makes false claims and routinely tells blatant lies
I don't recall past Presidents being held accountable for their lies. That's an interesting rabbit hole to jump down. Hell, we don't hold any of our politicians accountable for their lies.
It is ******** but I believe that’s the rules.

Hey plead guilty to this minor charge and serve no time or we completely bankrupt you, charge your son and if you are convicted lose your pension.
Wow on the pension BS. Just wow
I don't recall past Presidents being held accountable for their lies. That's an interesting rabbit hole to jump down. Hell, we don't hold any of our politicians accountable for their lies.
No President in history has lied and make false claims like this President. It's interesting that you don't know any better
Clinton lied under oath and got away with it. Try again.
Pathetic and ignorant argument you're trying to make. No one said Clinton didn't lie. Read my post again. I don't need to try. Your argument is beyond ignorant and you obviously haven't been paying attention

And BTW, Clinton was impeached. You're in over your head on this one. Lost cause for you
Pathetic and ignorant argument you're trying to make. No one said Clinton didn't lie. Read my post again. I don't need to try. Your argument is beyond ignorant and you obviously haven't been paying attention
What was pathetic and ignorant was the initial hyperbolic screech you made that weez responded to. Run along now.
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Pathetic and ignorant argument you're trying to make. No one said Clinton didn't lie. Read my post again. I don't need to try. Your argument is beyond ignorant and you obviously haven't been paying attention

Has Trump lied under oath?

Until he does, he's just like every other politician who talks out of both sides of their mouth and out of their a$$.
Has Trump lied under oath?

Until he does, he's just like every other politician who talks out of both sides of their mouth and out of their a$$.
Once again, there's never been a President who has lied as often and made false claims as often as this one. Those are the facts. Trying to rationalize Trump's lying as "all politicians lie" is remarkably stupid
Pathetic and ignorant argument you're trying to make. No one said Clinton didn't lie. Read my post again. I don't need to try. Your argument is beyond ignorant and you obviously haven't been paying attention

And BTW, Clinton was impeached. You're in over your head on this one. Lost cause for you

Impeached yet acquitted, even though he admitted to the crime. The point being, apparently lying isn't that big a deal.

You're horrible at arguing btw.
Impeached yet acquitted, even though he admitted to the crime. The point being, apparently lying isn't that big a deal.

You're horrible at arguing btw.
Oh he’s fine at arguing similar to my wife in fact. Now debating... yeah different story.

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