General Flynn completely exonerated

What the heck is all this mumbo jumbo? No context whatsoever.
The Flynn-Kislyak transcripts have been released
Here Flynn and Kislyak are talking about votes on the UNSC. Kislyak tells Flynn that they will not be supporting any U.S. sponsored resolutions on the security council and Flynn states they are fine with that. It makes no sense for them to release these and think it would prove Flynn’s innocence.
The Flynn-Kislyak transcripts have been released
Here Flynn and Kislyak are talking about votes on the UNSC. Kislyak tells Flynn that they will not be supporting any U.S. sponsored resolutions on the security council and Flynn states they are fine with that. It makes no sense for them to release these and think it would prove Flynn’s innocence.
One does not have to prove innocence and there is certainly nothing proving guilt. I thought it was a quid pro quo for election help.
The Flynn-Kislyak transcripts have been released
Here Flynn and Kislyak are talking about votes on the UNSC. Kislyak tells Flynn that they will not be supporting any U.S. sponsored resolutions on the security council and Flynn states they are fine with that. It makes no sense for them to release these and think it would prove Flynn’s innocence.

Gotta remember these are the same brainiacs who thought firing Comey was a swell idea because the Dems would dig it.
Gotta remember these are the same brainiacs who thought firing Comey was a swell idea because the Dems would dig it.
Still not sure where the "tough keyboard warrior" comment comes from. Is it just because we disagree?

Shouldn't a 3* who is about to be in charge of national security either a) be smart enough not to get tricked by some "hacks" or b) know he doesn't have to answer their questions or he can at least stop the interview and get a lawyer.

I notice you didn't say Flynn never lied to the FBI or Pence. I never said the FBI acted properly, but it's naive or disingenuous to pretend Flynn is some kind of innocent martyr, especially after he was fired for lying to Pence.
This aged well 😂
Top FBI lawyer Dana Boente is asked to resign following criticism over his handling of the Mike Flynn case and the signing of FISA warrants

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s top lawyer who signed off on warrants allowing the surveillance of Michael Flynn resigned at the request of the Justice Department after he was criticized on Fox News.

Dana Boente, the FBI’s general counsel, submitted his resignation on Friday, ending a 38-year career at the Department of Justice, according to NBC News.

Boente’s departure was sought by people at the ‘highest level of the Justice Department’ rather than FBI Director Christopher Wray, it was reported.
Boente has been the subject of fierce criticism from pro-Trump commentators on Fox News and its sister network, Fox Business Network, for his role in the Flynn investigation.

In a recently leaked memo, Boente wrote that none of the evidence that has come to light in the Flynn case exonerates him.

In recent weeks, Lou Dobbs, a Fox Business Network host, has criticized Boente and the FBI, alleging their attempts to investigate and prosecute Flynn amounted to 'an attempt to overthrow the president.'

During his April 27 broadcast, Dobbs said: 'Shocking new reports suggest FBI General Counsel Dana Boente was acting in coordination with FBI Director Christopher Wray to block the release of that evidence that would have cleared General Flynn.'

Boente had signed one of the warrants that allowed the FBI to continue to conduct surveillance activities against Flynn, according to NBC News.

FBI's top lawyer forced to resign by the Justice Department after coming under fire from Fox News | Daily Mail Online
Judge Sullivan Delivers Response In Flynn Case and It’s Something

Judge Emmet Sullivan has delivered his response in the Michael Flynn case to the writ of mandamus. He tapped an outside attorney to make his case for him, something that is apparently highly unusual under these circumstances, where both parties are asking for a dismissal after new evidence of FBI malfeasance came to light. If this judge can’t make his own arguments and decisions, why is he on the case?

Undercover Huber broke down much of what’s in it earlier today. I’m not a lawyer and won’t play one, but there’s a lot in here that strikes me as ridiculous.

Rod Rosenstein Admits: ‘I’m Not Sure I Read Every Word’ of FISA Application

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein admitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that he had not “read every word” of the faulty FISA application for a warrant on an adviser to Donald Trump’s campaign.

Rosenstein was appearing as part of the committee’s review of the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation into alleged “Russia collusion.” Rosenstein left the department in April 2019 after Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no collusion.

Last year, the Department of Justice Inspector General also released a report confirming that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had relied on the “dossier” compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele in its warrant applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court for surveillance to Trump aide Carter page.

The “dossier” was funded by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. The FBI used it even after it was found to be false. The FBI also omitted exculpatory information from its FISA application.

Rod Rosenstein Admits: 'I'm Not Sure I Read Every Word' of FISA Application

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