I'm sure a lot of coaches could win with his talent. But you don't win 74 games in a row without being a very good game day coach, regardless of talent, because he is destroying some pretty good coaches who have also recruited some very good talent.
Thanks for the laugh.
Really, this thread? I think we have finally run out of things to say about basketball. All Genno can do is recruit, really!!!! This year we had top talent so apparently that theory does not work for the Lady Vols. Maybe we need a recruiting non coaching coach versus a non recruiting/non coaching coach.Oh, I forgot our non coaching coach knows how to reach the elite eight with top talent, just maybe there is some sort of national record for that category.
BS. Op you are SO WRONG!!! You must not watch much W Bball. He makes his players so much better than when they enroll. I don't have the source, but ESPN talked about how he doesn't even end up with the #1 recruiting classes. He just develops players.
I wonder what the Lady Vols record would have been if Gino had been head coach here this year. I could put it another way and speculate what the outcome would have been had Geno coached the Lady Vols against this year's version of the Huskies, but in all fairness that team would win even with Holly at the helm. In other words, they're unbeatable.
A lot of teams have talent but underperform. Oregon State, Washington, and Syracuse are all at the Final Four this year. Which of those three teams has more talent than Tennessee this year? Having superior talent is no guarantee of success.
Thanks for the laugh.
Same thing Pat did. In early years she won with mostly Tennessee players. She'd occasionally get someone from out of state. Recruiting is much different now of course but she did get the Meeks and the beautiful Ms. Parker from out of state.
I don't like the guy because he's a smartazz but nobody should doubt his coaching ability. As others have said, he demands excellence, teaches, and makes player better through development. Even though he mostly appears to be a snob to others, he definitely takes an interest, I think, in each of his players and wants them to be the best they can be. I don't see how anyone can look objectively at his program and say otherwise. I wish we had a coach who could compete but I don't see one in the forseeable future for UT. They're not going to fire Holly until the current talent is gone and UT hits rock bottom. So sad to see such an enviable, historic program go down in flames. :furious3::banghead2::cray::cray::cray:
Just goes to show you how in today's era it's more important to be politically correct than successful. Why is it okay for women coaches NOT to be judged on their win-loss record like the men? If it was a guy he'd already have been canned.