In the SEC, in a rivalry game, it is possible. Terribly, terribly unlikely, but it is possible I suppose.
Their defense might outscore they're offense if they're not careful, and they watch out for that short yardage back / point guard of theirs...
Well...if Miss. State can stay within three to anyone in the SEC, even if only once this season, then UGA dismal as they are now, has that same chance. It is all up to how they rebound from their 3 week spin cycle. Did Vandy truly have the personnel to beat GA. Or MSU to hang tight. Nah...they just caught them at a bad time. Reality...UF probably puts Richt's job in jeopardy. SEC rivalry game...UF is potentialy getting GA at a bad time for UF.
Nice post Fade....and if anyone wants to get rid of richt...well, they should be removed from the planet. look at it this way, when you lose this weekend, at least it won't be such a shock to the system after being previously undefeated in the conf.
go dawgs.
I'm not saying I would ever propose getting rid of Richt. He ressurected Dawg ball. I personally feel he is a very talented coach, and if UGA kept Dooley as long as they did, then Richt should be a long-term coach. And he is a class act. Too many quick fires in the NCAA these days.
This game is always tough on us Dawgs for some reason they just own us. Doesnt matter if we are the supposed better team or on a streak or whatever you want to say we just cant seem to get bye them. This year is no different in that we are expected to lose, which could allow us to come out, play loose, have some fun and maybe get the monkey off our back (doubt it but you never know). The thing is in the SEC you never know everybody is talented and everybody is getting better and better so as the say any given Saturday (Just ask Vandy). But no matter what Marck Richts Job will not be in Jeopardy I will promise you that. Some bandwagon fans for the past few years have been spoiled but for those of us that struggeled through the late 80's and 90's we are gratefull to have a great coach and an even better man leading our young men.
Dawgs 22
Gators 21![]()
still lots of rumors about Richt to Miami. also, there's now talk about Bowden being done at FSU. would CMR go back to the Noles if they called?
still lots of rumors about Richt to Miami. also, there's now talk about Bowden being done at FSU. would CMR go back to the Noles if they called?
Same issues at UT. It's not about being owned, it's about what you expect of yourself any given fall Saturday. Ut/UGA always hope to play well against the Gators. If we do this...if we don't do that...Spurrier never hoped, he expected to beat both of us and always has. Myer is doing the same. It's the mentality, the drive, the cockiness. In his brief tenure thus far, he already expects to beat us. And he even has Leak.
Agreed with the mentallity thing. But with us I dont think its as much the coaches as the players. Plus did you know that we are 2-14 against FL the last 16 years 2 that we have won we had an off week before the game the other 14 UF has had the off week (read that this morning).