Getting Power Company to Move Power Line?

Well in that case, I'm not sure most power companies would want to deal with it much once it leaves the transformer to your house. Probably will have to go to a contractor rather than the local utility to get a good, fair price.

I just misunderstood what he was talking about moving.

I was wondering what your babbling was all about.:p Nobody's moving a pole, just the service drop. Around here anything coming off a pole has to be done by the utility company. Electrical contractors take it from where the service is terminated at the house to the meter center.
to clarify - it is just moving the line. Now that might involve a new pole or at least point to direct the line to so it comes in to the house at a different angle.

I have a call into the Power Co. - supposedly one of the engineers will be calling me. I got the impression that they will be the ones to do it; not somebody I find.

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