Getting the call



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2008
I've always wondered what it felt like to "get the call" at the end of a tight game.

Now I know.

And I still feel a little dirty.
I'm assuming he means the B Williams no call for the over the back rape he gave the Georgia player.

No call and basket counts was the correct call. Brian was fouled, if anything.

I've watched it 100 times...I have no idea how you can say Brian was fouled. The guy couldn't have fouled him if Brian hadn't leaped over his back.

I'm glad we won, but between that and the shot clock violation, we got lucky.
in my opinion if the UGA defender puts a body on BW we either get OT or they win on ft's with little to no time left. The defender watched the ball and BW put it back in. The call looked correct to me (especially in that situation)
in my opinion if the UGA defender puts a body on BW we either get OT or they win on ft's with little to no time left. The defender watched the ball and BW put it back in. The call looked correct to me (especially in that situation) Tennessee's case, I don't think I EVER remember it being a no call. Somehow we always got screwed...until last night.
#8 Tennessee's case, I don't think I EVER remember it being a no call. Somehow we always got screwed...until last night.

we've won some games on bad calls but last night was just not one of them. UT doesn't ALWAYS get screwed
The GA defender was holding BWs arm when he shot. Go back and look at the video.

Having said that, the way calls were being made, it would not be a stretch that they could have called an over the back foul. Refs were tired. They did not want OT!!!!!!!!!
It was about as obvious an over the back call as can be made. They let them play it out. I'm sure the ref didn't make the call because with the split second decision he was not going to put the UGA player on the line to win it. Unfortuately for him, BW made a desperation put back and it was too late to call the foul.

We've had our share of loses due to botched calls at the end of games. We're due some good karma.
I coach basketball at junior high level. The refs tell me that if the player in thr front position is standing straight up and not boxing out then its a "no call" situtation. The Ga player was almost standing straight up and really was not boxing out. This situtation is why I strictly enforce proper boxing out with my players. The game ended like it should have!
When I watched the play live, I couldn't believe they didn't call it. Watching the replay in slow motion it looked like it could've went either way.

If the defender would've jumped for the rebound it's a no brainer.

But I really think the refs did the right thing by not calling a foul either way. If they had they would've basically decided the game and you never want the officials playing that role.

Had he missed the basket and the game gone to overtime I think UGA and vol fans would say a no call was the right way to go.
I've watched it 100 times...I have no idea how you can say Brian was fouled. The guy couldn't have fouled him if Brian hadn't leaped over his back.

I'm glad we won, but between that and the shot clock violation, we got lucky.

Brian went vertical and grabbed the ball with both hands. Barnes grabbed Brian's arm (probably an accident and not intentional). Barnes is jumping back and into Brian, if anything.
For all of the whinners saying BW was over his back. First GA player didn't box out, was reaching backwards for the ball which BW reached for at the same time and was able to get it without touching Barnes. Barnes keep falling back and grabbed BW's arm as he was falling. NO CALL or a foul on Barnes, which wasn't going to happen. Shot clock call was wrong but slow mo made it look worse. Now what about the tech? Bad call. Call it even. Vols win. All of this proves one thing. SEC officating whether football or basketball is terrible at best. If the Commish wants to work on something this is it.
Yep, win against UCONN would be nice. Hopefully, the Vols that play good against ranked teams shows up.
It was about as obvious an over the back call as can be made. They let them play it out. I'm sure the ref didn't make the call because with the split second decision he was not going to put the UGA player on the line to win it. Unfortuately for him, BW made a desperation put back and it was too late to call the foul.

We've had our share of loses due to botched calls at the end of games. We're due some good karma.

I'm hoping it carries over to Football
I've watched it 100 times...I have no idea how you can say Brian was fouled. The guy couldn't have fouled him if Brian hadn't leaped over his back.

I'm glad we won, but between that and the shot clock violation, we got lucky.

i don,t think you watch it that closely, how can you be over the back falling backwards? when you go over the back, you are stopping the player from doing what he wants by being on his back. the ga player never went up, he stood flat footed. then he grabbed bw arm and held him. watch it again the ga player protects his face from the air ball, bw never touches him.
Dispelling the Myth: “Over the back!” - Youth Basketball Knowledge Base

The common misconception is that anytime the player who has inside position doesn’t get the rebound, then it has to be “Over the back!” It doesn’t matter if there was contact or not. That’s the myth. It’s as though verticality doesn’t exist. Rebounding is governed by the principle of verticality, just like other phases of the game that allow a player to legally occupy a space on the floor. Every player is entitled to a spot on the floor provided the player obtains the spot without illegally contacting an opponent. He is allowed to jump vertically within his established space and have his hands and arms extended within his vertical plane. He is allowed this opportunity without regard to where his opponent is positioned.

When a shot goes up, many players go to great lengths to maneuver for position. When the ball rebounds off the board or rim, contact can occur between two opponents going for the ball. But just because contact occurs, it does not mean a foul has occurred. If both players are jumping within their vertical plane, then any contact that occurs is incidental. It is not a foul on the player who is rebounding from behind his opponent just because he is behind him. The player who has position between his opponent and the basket is given no more protection or consideration than his opponent. As long as both players stay within their vertical plane, a foul shouldn’t be called.
To be "over the back," The offending player's TORSO must be over the back of the player being fouled. If you watch, both players were moving backward, AWAY from the basket. B-Will snatched it with his hands without excessive contact, and put the ball in the bucket. By definition, that was not over the back. It was a good no-call
The ref swallowed his whistle in the final seconds. That play happens any other time of the game it's an instant call.
The refs didn't call that a couple of other times during the game, that i thought they could've. If it wasn't a foul at any point during the game it shouldn't be at the end either. UGA's Barnes shouldn't stand flat footed and maybe he would get that call a little more.

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