Free throws are the easiest thing in basketball if you actually practice them. The minimum expectation is only 75%. I wasn’t much of a scorer in high school but I remember someone pointing out to me that I was hitting 84% during my senior year.
Our coach would have three separate time periods throughout practice in which you would shoot 10 free throws each period. Once at the start of practice, once at the middle, and once at the very end of practice. If you made 9 or 10 you were considered +1 for that period, 7 or 8 you were even, anything below 7 and you were a -1. After the three periods you would add up your +/-. The most you could get is +3, the least being -3. All the people with a negative +/- would stand on the baseline, all the people with a positive or even +/- would be at half court. The people with a positive +/- could choose to give away their points to any of the negative +/- people if they were feeling generous, or they could choose to not use them, but they don’t roll over to the next practice or anything. Pretty much you only got saved by other teammates if they deemed you a hard worker and good teammate. For anyone with a negative +/- remaining they would run suicides. I can’t remember the time they gave us to run them, but if we didn’t cross the finish line before the clock went off we had to run them again and again.
We also had a system for layups but I don’t want to activate my PTSD from that