Global Warming Update......

I did not use the majority argument to 'sell' the idea of AGW. I bring it up to assert that it is not a fringe. A majority, or something even close to it, can't be viewed as a fringe.

A majority of the politboro were communists (actually 100% were party members), were they fringe or mainstream Russians?? A vast majority of the Russian people didn't want Bolshevik rule but those who dared speak up found themselves with a shovel out in Siberia with the occasional boiled leaf of cabbage or small piece of beet to eat. (democrats call Obama's czars mainstream but that doesn't mean they aren't 100 communists which are fringe to the American politic if, sadly not the body politic.)

Now we are talking semantics and rhetoric.

Examples of some of the fringe element who promote or 'sell' AGW:

"We've got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing, in terms of economic policy and environmental policy. " - Timothy Wirth quoted in Science Under Siege by Michael Fumento, 1993

"The crucial paradigm shift the Deep Ecology movement envisions as necessary to protect the planet from ecological destruction involves the move from an anthropocentric to a spiritual/ecocentric value orientation...Humanity must drastically scale down its industrial activities on Earth, change its consumption lifestyles, stabilize and then reduce the size of the human population by humane means, and protect and restore wild ecosystems and the remaining wildlife on the planet."
- George Sessions, pg xxi, Deep Ecology for the 21st Century

In the words of Schneider himself; whose report was used to kick off this thread:

"We have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts we may have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." -Quoted by Dixy Lee Ray in Trashing the Planet (1990)

Two things jump out of his report on findings from lake sediments in the Arctic; "since 1 BC" thereby a subtle shifting to theological considerations. Another is his observation of increases in the last fifty years are coincidental with industrial increases while ignoring the fact that solar activity is responsible for 99+% of any increase in Earth's mean temperature.

Scientists are in a way like computers and the same can be said of both; 'if the data entered is wrong then it follows that any conclusions will also be wrong.'

I probably should start another thread on falsified, erratic (not to mention erotic) and erroneous data that has been used by the IPCC and even those who have nothing to do with the UN's IPCC to promote AGW theory.

And when the head of the United Nations awards a "hero of mother earth" medal to some petty would-be communist dictator, it would appear, at least to me that even the most brainwashed young global warming advocate who appears on this board would stop and think for a moment about the big picture, remembering that we cannot unjump from that high dive.

(Note; so there's no mistake, I'm not referring to you personally in that statement above, I find you quite objective and able to look at both sides of the coin, not just occasionally but habitually.) Personally though I think you give too much leeway to some confirmed liars in the public arena. It's been my experience with liars that they will tell me a bigger lie if I should believe one of their little lies at any time.

One conclusion should stick out like a sore thumb to everyone, we don't have enough data to justify the passing of the radical socialistic cap and tax legislation.

I should have also said fluctuations in the sun are only a strong driver of climate 'when' the sun enters into prolonged downturns or upturns, not 'unless' it enters into prolonged change. Of course, those prolonged changes happen.

And we don't have a very good idea of when those will occur.

We do know that solar activity is never static and will fluctuate, we don't know when nor know how much nor for how long.

Other considerations are;

Earth's own magnetic field which shields Earth's atmosphere from solar wind and is presently in a stage of reversing polarity, a very rare occurance.

Naturally occurring phenomena such as volcanic activity that releases trememdous amounts of debris into the atmosphere or has an affect on the oceans when an eruption is from an undersea vent.

(Think Yellow Stone mega eruption, for which we are due any time, even smaller eruptions have some affect, especially in Arctic undersea events while 'ecologists' are focusing on that area, ignoring those Arctic eruptions. BTW, Arctic sea ice is not continuing to be less each year, it has begun to rebound the past two years, most likely because of the lack of sunspots.)

Variable ocean temperatures we don't really understand, the most notable and weather affecting being the Pacific 'la nina' and 'el nino.'
As long as a majority of climate scientists (and likely scientists in general) believe that AGW is real, I have a hard time viewing them as fringe. I think that there are a lot of scientists who have never stopped to question it, though - so you have to consider that as well. When it comes to climate scientists, some who I have a lot of respect for, the field has come to a large degree of agreement, and that is why I have a hard time seeing them as fringe. Is fear an element in that agreement? It is really hard to say - I don't think that is the case, but I can't say it with certainty.

As for the factors that influence climate, all of those things that you mention can certainly impact climate. And, we can't forecast a majority of them. This is obviously a problem with any form of climate modeling - you have to assume some output from the sun, some level of volcanic activity, a given solar orbit. You can include variations in these parameters with some prescribed probability distribution so that you can include this in your forecast. However, the probability for changes in orbit or huge changes in solar output would be so low, it would have a minimal impact on the models' predictions. Obviously, though, if that 0.0001% chance event hit, then all the predictions are out the window...

While some public school students in some districts are indoctrinated with Al Gore's stupid piece of tripe film, I'll bet a teacher most anywhere could get fired for showing the 'Great Global Warming Swindle.'



Scandal Erupts over NOAA Climate Data

Not only did sites fail to meet the NCDC's requirements, but encroaching development had put many in ridiculously unsuitable locations -- on hot black asphalt, next to trash burn barrels, beside heat exhaust vents, even attached to hot chimneys and above outdoor grills.

Soon thereafter, a Seattle radio station interviewed the head of the NCDC, Dr. Thomas Peterson, informed him of the effort and quizzed him about the problems. Three days later, the NCDC removed all website access to station site locations, citing "privacy concerns." Without this data (which had been public for years), the validation effort was blocked. No more stations could be located.


Detroit Lakes, Minnesotta weather station. (who says man made Global Warming isn't real??)

Well, here are just a few:

Basic References:

Hostages to a hoax
Water Experts Find Earth’s Warming, Rainfall Linked to Sun
Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation
The Myth of Dangerous Human-Caused Climate Change (PDF)
Up against the warming zealots
When Physics Trumps Hysteria in Global Warming
Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Global Warming: Forecasts by Scientists versus Scientific Forecasts
Geophysical, archeological and historical evidence support a solar-output model for climate change (PDF)
Gamma rays and climate (PDF)
Temperature vs. Cosmic Ray Flux
Linkages between solar activity, climate predictability and water resource development (PDF)
Proof on Ice: Southern Greenland Was Once Green; Earth Warmer
Global Warming and Nature's Thermostat
The Past and Future of Climate (PDF)
The Great Global Warming Swindle
Lawrence Solomon's "The Deniers" (a series of articles on the view of scientists who have been labelled "Global Warming Deniers"):

Science, not politics

Statistics needed
The original denier: into the cold
End the chill
They call this a consensus?
The limits of predictability
Unsettled science
Models trump measurements
The ice-core man
The hurricane expert who stood up to UN junk science
Polar scientists on thin ice
The sun moves climate change
Bright sun, warm Earth. Coincidence?
Look to Mars for the truth on global warming
Read the sunspots
Forget warming - beware the new ice age
Little Ice Age is still with us
Fighting climate 'fluff'
Other References:

Alarmist global warming claims melt under scientific scrutiny

The Global Warming Myth
Global Warming: A Chilling Perspective
Father of Climatology Throws Up at the Thought of Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth'

IPCC Scientists Challenge Al Gore’s View of Global Warming Consensus
Swedish Scientist Accuses UN's IPCC of Falsifying Data and Destroying Evidence
CO2 Science
Global Warming and Climate Forcing by Recent Albedo Changes on Mars
Climate Momentum Shifting: Prominent Scientists Reverse Belief in Man-made Global Warming - Now Skeptics
The Real 'Inconvenient Truth'
New findings indicate today's greenhouse gas levels not unusual
Climate Change: Incorrect information on pre-industrial CO2
Global Warming as a Religion
I Was On the Global Warming Gravy Train (By David Evans)
Global Warming: it's not caused by greenhouse gases says academic
Still Waiting for Greenhouse
Why Global Warming Would be Good for You
Global Warming Primer (PDF)
Global Warming: An Official Pseudoscience
Sun's Output Increasing in Possible Trend Fueling Global Warming
Fiddler On The Roof
Debating Global Warming
Climate Resistance

Another global warming update; Neptune is warming up as well as the Earth and Mars, watts next?? Uranus????

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