He didn't call you gay so chill brother. Another thing, not trying to be an a**, but it's a hard notion to believe someone is simply born gay. By making this statement you are going against everything we know in terms of reproduction in our biological world. The world, including all forms of life, work off the idea of natural selection. The central idea to life is to reproduce and gain as much fitness as possible. Natural selection selects for those individuals who are most fit, and this selection is directly correlated to the ability of the animal to survive in the wild. This survival can be based on a specific trait, aka a longer beak in a bird etc, and as the environment changes so does the need for new traits, which we gain through mutations. Point being, natural selection would abolish any gay gene in the wild within a few generations simply because it holds no fitness. We are simple geared to reproduce and be sexual attracted to the opposite sex, and if we weren't then our bodies as teenagers wouldnt go through the necessary changes to allow for reproduction. So, if there is a gay gene it seams it would stop any gay person from going fully through puberty, as the need for reproduction doesn't exist. The better argument for the gay community would be epigenetics. Through our environments we can have our genes altered. In the wild things like methylation occur that can turn off or on certain genes, but the effects are not transferred to their offspring. The mechanism behind those altered traits can be, but not the physical changes themselves. In other words, your environment can alter your genes to allow for a physical or psychological change, a mutation if you will, but the trait will not be passed on to its offspring because there was no change in the DNA sequence as a whole just the expression of it. Since there's no reproduction for gay people, the only way for them to have an influence in terms of reproduction would be placing a child in a very "gay friendly" environment. Still, it seams this doesn't have a huge effect on most people, and we can see that with guys like Kenneth Faired (spelling?) of the Denver Nuggets who was raised by two women but is not gay. So, either a mutation has occurred that is directly related to the environment of the mother of the gay person to alter their genes to make them gay, or it by choice. Since there's no conclusive evidence of one specific gene that makes you gay, which there shouldn't be on the bases of natural selection, then it seams that by choice should be heavily considered. Personally, I believe that there is psychological changes that occur to gay people that they can't control, but I believe those changes are due to imbalances of the brain that are directly influenced from their environment either during birth or after it. Basically, I believe that gay people may not be able to control gay thoughts, but those gay thoughts occurred because of something they were exposed to during or after birth. Not because of some random gay gene. Just my two cents and to each their own as I have nothing against the gay community as long as they are understanding that many people don't support that lifestyle, which personally I don't.