GM to announce closure of 14 plants

Oh, well there you go.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Not as much as I heard, but still, no reason for the GOP to start a hissy fit...

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: News Flash: Car Dealers are Republicans (It's Called a Control Group, People)

Republican donations outstrip Democratic ones by about 8.6:1. Next, let's try "car dealer":

For some reason, those persons who describe themselves as "car dealers" are just slightly more likely to donate to Democrats than those who call themselves "auto dealers". Nevertheless, the list of contributions tilts Republican by better than a 3:1 margin.

Roughly a 10:1 advantage for Republicans. Finally, we'll look at the slightly more obscure formation of "automotive dealer":

Overall, 88 percent of the contributions from car dealers went to Republican candidates and just 12 percent to Democratic candidates. By comparison, the list of dealers on Doug Ross's list (which I haven't vetted, but I assume is fine) gave 92 percent of their money to Republicans -- not really a significant difference.

There's no conspiracy here, folks -- just some bad math.

It shouldn't be any surprise, by the way, that car dealers tend to vote -- and donate -- Republican. They are usually male, they are usually older (you don't own an auto dealership in your 20s), and they have obvious reasons to be pro-business, pro-tax cut, anti-green energy and anti-labor. Car dealerships need quite a bit of space and will tend to be located in suburban or rural areas. I can't think of too many other occupations that are more natural fits for the Republican Party. Unfortunately, while we are still a nation of drivers, we are not a nation of dealers.
I could be wrong but I thought Spring Hill started building the Chevy Equinox or whatever it is called. Maybe they build Saturn too or at least the Saturn that sits on the same frame as the Equinox. I think it is a small SUV type vehicle like a Jeep Liberty.

They may have made the Equinox before, but now they build the Traverse, which is essentially a beefed up Equinox.
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When you have ads the say "A lot of people ask me what's up with Saturn. Well, we're still here..." you know you are in deep doo doo.

Lol that Saturn commercial when they're talking about if you lose your job they won't take your car back makes me laugh every time. They're really saying, "At Saturn, if you lose your job and can't make the payments....well, we'll be gone by then anyways so nobody here will give a s***!"
Posted this in the wrong thread earlier, closings:

The list of impacted plants and GM operations is below:

June 1, 2009 U.S. GM Manufacturing Optimization Plan Actions


Orion, Mich.
Standby Capacity - September 2009

Pontiac, Mich.
Close - October 2009

Spring Hill, Tenn.
Standby Capacity - November 2009

Wilmington, Del.
Close - July 2009


Grand Rapids, Mich.
Close - June 2009 (previously announced)

Indianapolis, Ind.
Close - December 2011

Mansfield, Ohio
Close - June 2010

Pontiac, Mich.
Standby Capacity - December 2010


Livonia Engine, Mich.
Close - June 2010

Flint North Components, Mich.
Close - December 2010

Willow Run Site, Mich.
Close - December 2010

Parma Components, Ohio
Close - December 2010

Fredericksburg Components, Virg.
Close - December 2010

Massena Castings, N.Y.
Closed - May 1, 2009 (previously announced)

Service & Parts Operations (SPO)
Warehousing & Parts Distribution Centers

Boston, Mass.
Close – December 31, 2009

Jacksonville, Fla.
Close – December 31, 2009

Columbus, Ohio
Close – December 31, 2009

GM to Close or Idle 14 Plants, See the List || | WXYZ-TV / Detroit | Detroit News, Weather, Sports and More
Lots of mixed emotions on this one. Having been raised in Williamson Co., I can remember plenty of people saying from the outset that the Saturn plant was a bad move that would just make the Spring Hill/Columbia area dependent on manufacturing jobs that would not last. The mini recession of the early 90s (remember James Carville's line 'It's the economy stupid.'?) convinced most folks that an immediate infusion of jobs outweighed the future pain that was sure to come when the plant closed. I remember people talking about a commuter train from Nashville to Columbia that would shuttle workers to and from the plant. Of course, that turned out to be unnecessary when GM bent over for the UAW and hired almost all of their workforce from the ranks of the furloughed workers in the rust belt. I was initially irritated by all the newcomers with their strange accents and unholy football alleigances. On the other hand, I was happy for my neighbors who went from hand-to-mouth farmers to overnight millionaires when the developers moved in. It looks like the day of reckoning is at hand. I feel like this was inevitable, but I also can't help but feel bad for those once interloping carpetbaggers who have kind of morphed into neighbors over time.
Lots of mixed emotions on this one. Having been raised in Williamson Co., I can remember plenty of people saying from the outset that the Saturn plant was a bad move that would just make the Spring Hill/Columbia area dependent on manufacturing jobs that would not last. The mini recession of the early 90s (remember James Carville's line 'It's the economy stupid.'?) convinced most folks that an immediate infusion of jobs outweighed the future pain that was sure to come when the plant closed. I remember people talking about a commuter train from Nashville to Columbia that would shuttle workers to and from the plant. Of course, that turned out to be unnecessary when GM bent over for the UAW and hired almost all of their workforce from the ranks of the furloughed workers in the rust belt. I was initially irritated by all the newcomers with their strange accents and unholy football alleigances. On the other hand, I was happy for my neighbors who went from hand-to-mouth farmers to overnight millionaires when the developers moved in. It looks like the day of reckoning is at hand. I feel like this was inevitable, but I also can't help but feel bad for those once interloping carpetbaggers who have kind of morphed into neighbors over time.

Hopefully, those carpetbaggers will do what they do best... pack their stuff and leave (but keep the plant running). :p

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