I agree with most of what you wrote but no to rooting for Bama lol. For one, just no... And for two, that won't help UT recruiting. And for three, just no. 😉
Rule 1. Never cheer for Alabama
Rule 2. Never cheer for Florida
Rule 3. If Alabama plays Florida, root for the team with the worst record
Rule 4. Don't break rules 1-3
Never thought I'd say this. I want the defense at the school where my new coach is still helping out to absolutely dominate on national television. I want them talking him up as a man who helped craft a dynamo. Go Bama.
Never thought I'd say this. I want the defense at the school where my new coach is still helping out to absolutely dominate on national television. I want them talking him up as a man who helped craft a dynamo. Go Bama.
Never thought I'd say this. I want the defense at the school where my new coach is still helping out to absolutely dominate on national television. I want them talking him up as a man who helped craft a dynamo. Go Bama.