Oh I don't know, things he's advocated at various times such as eliminating: the Department of Education, the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, the IRS and numerous other agencies.
While he makes good points, clearly dismantling so much of the government simply would not occur - good in theory; problematic in practice (which by the way is my main beef with true Libertarianism)
Anyone who has the least understanding of the federal reserve system should demand we go back to a constitutional form of money supply, our founding fathers understood the evils of central banking quite well and were against it. Andrew Jackson paid off the national debt in three years after he defeated the central bank of his time.
Paul has mustered 274 co-sponsors for his HR1207 bill to call for an audit of the Fed, if that happens there will be a lot more people calling for repeal of the federal reserve act.
The IRS exists solely to collect taxes to pay interest to the fed, interest we shouldn't have to pay to begin with, without the fed there is no need for the IRS.
Name the first accomplishment of Jimmy Carter's department of education other than dumbing down a generation.
We existed quite well for over two hundred years without a Homeland Security and in it's only major action was a miserable failure.
Personally I think we need the FBI, I don't like that it is politically controlled by Justice.
The CIA can take a flying hike as far as I'm concerned, if it was abolished maybe some of it's people could do contract work for the DIA.
The CIA has been particullary useless since Carter was able to give congress part control of it and gave congress access to secrets, like we can trust some of those congressmen to not use the info for political purposes.
Numerous other agencies??
A fellow that used to live on Senator's Row just down the street from Robert Kennedy etc etc, told me over thirty years ago that if you set out to visit all federal agencies in Washington and spent fifteen minutes in each office and worked an eight hour day and a forty hour week, that it would take you over five years to complete the task.
There is so much duplication of effort that it's worse than ridiculous, it's insane.
We would be in no danger of anarchy if we cut half the federal agencies.