Good Article I Think

I don't know if it's his real name or not. It's been Wimp as long as I've known of him.

For those that don't know, I'm refering to Sonny Smith (ex-Auburn BB coach) and Wimp Sanderson (ex-Alabama BB coach).
Finebaum is a slug... he says things just to get under people's skin. Bammers hated him long before we did... he was always sticking it to them in the early 90's. It got people to read his article just to see what inflaming thing he'd say next. This is just another example of that, he's not defending Coach as much as he's trying to rile up the bammers.
I don't even have to read this and I know its garbage. What else do you expect from Slimeball.
People need to stop listening to him and reading him.

He says anything to get people angry. Anything.

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